Even Though He Was A Suspect In Radioactive Ownership In Tangsel, SM Was Not Detained

JAKARTA - The National Police Criminal Investigation Unit has named an employee of the National Nuclear Energy Agency (BATAN) with the origin of SM as a suspect in the case of possession of the radioactive compound Cesium 137 in Batan Indah Housing, South Tangerang.

However, the police could not arrest him on the grounds that the alleged Article only sentenced him to under five years.

The Director of Certain Crimes at Bareskrim Polri, Brigadier General M Agung Budijono said that the determination of the suspect was based on the examination of 26 witnesses, 2 of whom were expert witnesses from Batan and the Nuclear Energy Supervisory Agency (Bapeten). From the examination it was found that SM did not have a radioactive material storage permit.

"The results of the examination of witnesses and the processing of the scene of the case (TKP), indicate that the person concerned is named a suspect," said Agung in Jakarta, Friday, March 13.

Investigators charged him with Article 42 of Law No. 10 of 1997 concerning Nuclear Energy. Where, the Article contains; Anyone who commits an act contrary to the provisions referred to in Article 19 paragraph (1) shall be subject to a maximum imprisonment of two years / or a maximum fine of Rp. 50 million.

Even though he has been named a suspect, investigators are still examining SM to dig up the origin of the radioactive compounds it possesses. This is because, from a temporary inspection, the goods which were not common in the community were obtained from one of his colleagues.

From the examination, information was obtained that the suspect SM opened an online decontamination service. However, it is not yet known who the users of these services are.

Although, it was mentioned about the list of companies that use radioactive substances in industry and health, the police are still investigating it.

"We are still coordinating the findings with Bapeten as the official licensor," said Agung.

Head of BATAN's Public Relations and Cooperation Legal Bureau Heru Umbara emphasized that his party is currently discussing disciplinary penalties that will be imposed on SM by referring to Government Regulation Number 53 of 2010 concerning Employee Discipline.

The results of the discussion about this punishment will be completed next week, including the sanctions that will be imposed.

"The determination of the employment status will come out next week. We will ensure a severe punishment," said Heru.