Forensic Digital Audit In The Case Of Bank DKI ATM Burglary

JAKARTA - The case of Bank DKI ATM burglary still leaves a big question mark. There is no clarity regarding that case. Even so, the police have just revealed the involvement of 41 people in the case.

Dozens of people are still investigated. They have not been named as suspects. So, it makes the case even more gray.

In the absence of clarity, allegations of this case began to develop. From the involvement of insiders, to the bank system that did not have a chance to be heard.

For this reason, the VOI team tried to ask the Digital Forensic Expert, Ruby Alamsyah about the Bank DKI ATM burglary case. Through a telephone connection, he said that there were three parties that could have caused the case to occur.

They are the suspected perpetrators, DKI Bank, and switching companies (owners of the ATM machine used by the alleged perpetrator). An error between the three parties was mentioned which could be the cause.

The switching company was involved because in this case, the alleged perpetrators used an ATM machine from another bank, known as ATM Bersama.

"There should be integration between these three parties," Ruby said, Saturday, November 23.

The integration referred to is the reporting system between the bank that owns the ATM machine used by the passer and the DKI Bank. Thus, at the time of withdrawing money, the balance in the savings of the suspected perpetrators also decreases according to the amount debited.

So, it is said, it is necessary to carry out a forensic audit investigation to the three parties. Which later, can find out what the main cause in the burglary case.

Apart from that, of course exploring the calmness of all the suspected perpetrators is also very important. This is because the burglary started, starting from the periodic withdrawal of dozens of people. In fact, the recorded nominal loss reached IDR 50 billion.

"From the results of this disclosure and the forensic audit, it will actually be known whether this case is purely the perpetrator's fault or there is indeed an error by another party," Ruby concluded.

For information, the case of the Bank DKI ATM breaking which was allegedly committed by a number of civil service police officers allegedly originated from the withdrawal of money at the ATM Bersama by the suspected perpetrator.

When the case occurred, no matter how much money was withdrawn, the money that was reduced was only IDR 4,000. This withdrawal occurred from last April to October and was carried out repeatedly by the perpetrators.

Bank DKI itself is known to have been examined by the police to find out about the security system they have. From the results of the DKI Bank audit, it was also known that the losses reached IDR 50 billion. Initially, the losses caused by the burglary were estimated at around Rp. 32 billion.