Erick Thohir Is Surprised To Find Out About Corruption Cases In BUMN: The Numbers Are Enormous, Oops!

JAKARTA - State-Owned Enterprises (BUMN) Minister Erick Thohir said he was surprised by the number of legal cases at the ministry he leads.

This was conveyed when he came to the KPK to sign a cooperation agreement for the corruption complaint system.

"At the beginning, when I worked, of course when I opened the data regarding legal cases in BUMN, the number was extraordinary, 159 and there were approximately 53 suspects", said Erick in an event broadcast on YouTube by the Indonesian Corruption Eradication Commission, Tuesday, March 2.

This condition then made the Ministry of BUMN clean up by prioritizing transparency to prevent the occurrence of criminal acts of corruption.

Also, his party continues to improve the system and select leaders with integrity to minimize the occurrence of corruption cases.

"Of course, as a leader, I think in reverse. How should the Ministry of BUMN have to introspect themselves compared to violating those who have been affected", he said.

He explained that there are several ways he has done to improve the ministry he leads, including by issuing several ministerial regulations.

One of them that will be published this week is the Minister of BUMN Regulation on State Capital Participation (PMN).

Erick said the ministerial regulation regulates assignments between companies or institutions to avoid overlaps.

"So there is no Gray area, which we talked about from the beginning. What we hope now is a business process, not a project base", he said.

Furthermore, other things that are being improved are PMN restructuring and corporate actions. He said this system would make it easier for all ministries and state-owned companies as well as auditors as part of transparency.

So that, later on, the system will eliminate processes that are not transparent. "So there is no more individual lobbying to points than our ministry is at the end, that there are points that must be carried out", said Erick.