Polemic Of Revocation Of Mining Permit Drag Bahlil's Name, Formappi Calls The Special Committee Of The Urgen DPR To Be Revolving

The discourse of establishing a special committee (Pansus) of the DPR to investigate allegations of abuse of authority to revoke and activate mining business permits (IUP) and business rights (HGU) suspected of involving the Minister of Investment/Head of BKPM Bahlil Lahadalia is getting stronger.

Researcher of the Indonesian Parliamentary Concerned Community Forum (Formappi) Lucius Karus assessed that the formation of the special committee was very important to investigate allegations of abuse of authority by Minister Bahlil in revocation and granting mining permits.

"In the context of monitoring government policies, I think the idea of forming a Special Committee to investigate allegations of abuse of authority in the mining permit case, of course we need to support it," said Lucius in Jakarta, Wednesday, March 13.

Law Number 3 of 2020 concerning Amendments to Law Number 4 of 2009 concerning Mineral and Coal Mining, Article 1 paragraph 38 states that the minister who organizes government affairs in the field of Mineral and Coal Mining is the minister authorized to grant and revoke mining-related permits.

Therefore, according to Lucius, the formation of the Mining Special Committee can be carried out to dismantle allegations of abuse of power in terms of granting and revocation of mining permits.

Mining permits, he said, were actually a classic problem that was never resolved, especially regarding the alleged involvement of the elite in the dispute over mining permits, which was often discussed but not much and eventually resulted in an unclear completion.

He considered the special committee to be the right tool to dismantle the alleged involvement of Minister Bahlil in granting and revocation of mining permits because of the reach of parties dealing with this, not only one ministry / agency.

"Because of its cross-sectoral nature, the Special Committee can be one solution because members of the DPR can be combined from various commissions that have a relationship with the cases they want to investigate regarding this mining permit dispute," said Lucius.

He also emphasized that the formation of a special committee is very much needed for restructuring related to policy making related to mining governance because there are allegations that Minister Bahlil exceeded his authority.

However, according to him, the DPR must be able to explain first regarding the real problem related to the granting and revocation of mining permits. In addition, it is necessary to explain what will result from the special committee so that the formation of a special committee is not only related to political interests for a moment.

"It must also be ensured that the DPR is not part of the dispute over mining permits that occurred so that the special committee or whatever later the tools formed by the DPR will not become a tool that will be used as a place to wash the mistakes of members of the DPR itself," he said.

Previously, the Chairman of Commission VII of the DPR, Sugeng Suparwoto, confirmed that the plan to summon Bahlil was carried out regarding the alleged abuse of authority. Bahlil will be summoned in his capacity as Head of the Investment Use and Planning Task Force.

Sugeng said Bahlil was suspected of abusing his authority as head of the task force in evaluating the IUP and HGU of oil palm land for several companies.

Meanwhile, member of Commission VII DPR Mulyanto claimed that various factions in Commission VII DPR supported the formation of a mining committee. The special committee is needed to investigate all kinds of alleged violations committed by the Investment Arrangement Task Force led by Bahlil.