Phishing Threat Soars Up To 709 Thousand In 2023, Here Are Tips To Stay Safe

JAKARTA - Kaspersky's latest analysis found that phishing is still the most common and most widely used cyber threat by cybercriminals.

"Phishing remains a common threat in today's digital landscape, continuing to thrive on suspicious users," said Olga Svistunova, security expert at Kaspersky.

The proof, throughout 2023, Kaspersky managed to find an increase of up to 40 percent of the number of phishing attacks reaching 709,590,011 attempts related to access to phishing links.

According to Olga, vigilance and skepticism are our strongest defense so as not to become victims of this dangerous scheme. Stay careful, verify before you click, and protect your digital identity.

To avoid becoming a victim of phishing-based fraud, Kaspersky experts suggest the following: