9 Types Of Fruits To Overcome Dehydration During Fasting, There Are Melons And Semangka

JAKARTA - During fasting, Muslims are prohibited from eating and drinking from sunrise to sunset. This condition is then prone to making the body lack of fluids so that it cannot function normally. The impact of dehydration can cause decreased health, such as palpitations to fever.

Several ways to overcome dehydration are drinking lots of water and eating high foods of water content such as fruits. Well, these fruits with high water content are good for consumption to overcome dehydration during fasting. What are the fruits?

Semangang is a fruit with high water levels. One watermelon contains 92 percent water and also a variety of other nutrients such as vitamins A and C, manganese to antioxidants that are good for the body. Not only does it relieve dehydration, watermelons are also good at preventing free radical effects, improving heart health, and protecting oneself from cancer.

Just like watermelons, belimbing also contains 91 percent water, vitamin C to various antioxidants that are beneficial for the health of the body. Unfortunately, belimbing fruit is not good for people with kidney disease because belimbing has a fairly high content of oxylic acid.

Melon is known for fruit that has high levels of water, fiber to various other nutrients such as vitamins A, folates, vitamin C, potassium, protein to antioxidants so that this fruit is very useful in meeting the body's fluid needs, to increasing vision.

Stroberi is also a fruit that has a lot of water in it. Routine consumption of strawberries can help you overcome dehydration. In addition to strawberries, other berries such as rasiber and bluberi also have a fairly high level of water.

Red Balinese oranges also contain a lot of water, fiber, and antioxidants. In addition to eliminating dehydration, this fruit also reduces the risk of type 2 diabetes, heart disease, and cancer.

Bananas can be consumed during fasting to increase body energy. Bananas can suppress hunger and increase body strength. If you are diabetic, you should not consume more than 2 bananas a day. Bananas contain nutrients such as potassium, carbohydrates, magnesium, and fiber. Bananas can also be eaten with yogurt while fasting. Some people eat milk and bananas while fasting.

Eating coconut helps keep the body hydrated. Consumption of coconut is also considered useful to overcome the lack of energy in the body. In addition to eating coconut fruit meat, you can also eat coconut water while fasting.

Consumption of papaya is useful for increasing energy and body immunity. Papaya is rich in antioxidants. Pepaya can be consumed during fasting. Consumption of papaya is also useful for dealing with digestive problems. Papan is present in papaya. Papan helps digestion of protein faster. People who have problems with constipation and stomach acid are required to include papaya in the list of fruits during fasting.

Apples are known to be rich in nutrients such as vitamin C, vitamin B, and potassium and help relieve a lack of fiber in the body. You can also consume fresh self-made apple juice while fasting. By drinking apple juice, metabolism remains good and the body gets strength. Consumption of apples also increases immunity and reduces oxidative stress. When fasting, small pieces of apples can be consumed when suhoor.