PPP Akui Mendengar Akan Ada Pembentukan Koalisi Besar Yang Permanen

JAKARTA - Chairman of the PPP Party Advisory Council, Muhammad Romahurmuziy also admitted that he heard about the issue of forming a large permanent coalition. Not only at the central level, but also at the regions.

He stated that this coalition format adopted the National Barisan coalition that occurred from several political parties representing various ethnicities in Malaysia.

Romy said that from the issues he heard, the permanent coalition is likely to be driven by Golkar, which is trying to get more seats in parliament.

"In fact, I heard that there was a scenario that said that Pak Jokowi later became the Chairman of the coalition's Board of Trustees," he added.

Meanwhile, PKS politician, Mardani Ali Sera emphasized that the plan to form a grand coalition is not healthy for democracy. Because healthy democracy must provide space for the development of opposition forces to create a mechanism for checks and balances.

"If everyone joins the government, of course the people of Indonesia will lose. Because the parliament cannot carry out its function as a government policy supervisor," he said.