Observer: Hak Anggat Susah Terwujud

JAKARTA - A political observer from Al-Azhar University, Ujang Komaruddin, believes that the 2024 Election Questionnaire Rights will be difficult to materialize. He noted that there were several efforts that were allegedly made so that the right to inquiry would not roll.

First, Ganjar's report to the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) by the Chairman of Indonesia Police Watch (IPW), Sugeng Teguh Santoso. Although Sugeng denied that his report was politically charged, Ujang suspected this. According to him, the public can already assess whether or not there is a political element in the report against Ganjar.

Second, President Jokowi is considered not to remain silent with efforts to roll out the right of inquiry. Ujang said that President Jokowi certainly wants to be remembered as a country leader who has succeeded in carrying out elections in a peaceful and democratic manner.

Jokowi will also fight the political path of the Angkat. Therefore, it would be difficult if Jokowi was still in control as president," he added.

Ujang argues that other efforts to prevent the Right of Angkat can be seen from the meeting between Jokowi and the General Chair of NasDem, Surya Paloh. In addition, the statement by the Chairman of Bappilu PPP, Sandiaga Uno, who did not rule out the possibility of joining the upcoming government, could also be a stumbling block in support of the rolling of the right to inquiry.

"With NasDem having met, now PPP has its own path, choice, and attitude, being able to join the Prabowo-Gibran government. It can be interpreted that it will not encourage the right of inquiry," said Ujang.

He considered that efforts to thwart the right of inquiry had been seen and carried out openly by several parties, not only on the surface but also behind the scenes by certain parties.

"It's no secret anymore. It's not something that's closed but it's already open. Because in our politics, nothing is closed, everything is open. There are only screen games and behind-the-scenes games," he said.