Anies's Name Was Carried When Jokowi Allowed Alcohol Investment

JAKARTA - President Joko Widodo issued Presidential Regulation Number 10 of 2021 concerning the Investment Business Sector. In this Presidential Decree, Jokowi opened the tap for investment in liquor companies (alcohol).

Previously, the liquor industry was known to fall into the closed business sector category. However, the approval to invest in this industry constitutes a new investment.

This investment can only be made in the Province of Bali, Province of East Nusa Tenggara (NTT), Province of North Sulawesi, and Province of Papua by paying attention to local culture and wisdom.

Jokowi's attitude was criticized by many parties. One of them is the former Chairman of the Indonesian People's Consultative Assembly Amien Rais. Amien Rais said that Jokowi had made a fatal step morally and politically because he had allowed investment in alcoholic beverage production companies.

"Pak Jokowi, you are actually destroying the morality of the nation. Obviously what Pak Jokowi is doing is directly crashing the provisions of the Al-Quran, where alcohol and gambling are big sins", said Amien Rais on Sunday, February 28.

Former Democrat Ferdinand Hutahaen responded to Amien Rais' criticism. Ferdinand dragged the name of DKI Jakarta Governor Anies Baswedan because apparently DKI owned 26.25 percent of shares in a beer company, namely PT Delta Djakarta Tbk (DLTA).

For this ownership, former Democrat Ferdinand Hutahaen felt it would be unfair if criticism was directed at President Jokowi over Presidential Decree No.10/2021.

"Anker Bir has been established in Bekasi with the share of the DKI Jakarta Provincial Government by 26 percent. This alcohol factory has contributed to the DKI Regional Budget. What does that mean? The alcohol factory is legal and can be established. Now Jokowi as president is rearranging this sector to make it tidier, but why are sinners "Ferdinand tweeted @FerdinandHaean3, Monday, March 1.

Deputy Governor of DKI Jakarta, Ahmad Riza Patria, said that his party had always been trying to sell shares of beer in PT Delta Djakarta Tbk. Delta is a producer of beer from the Anker, Carlsberg, to San Miguel brands.

"We are working on delta shares. We will sell them back because it is part of the vision and mission of Anies-Sandi's campaign promise (during the 2017 DKI Gubernatorial Election)", said Riza at DKI City Hall, Central Jakarta, Monday, March 1.

Unfortunately, Riza admits that DKI cannot make its own decision to sell the alcoholic beverage shares. According to Riza, the plan to sell shares has not received approval from the DKI DPRD (Regional House of Representatives).

"We continue to propose and ask for support from friends of the DKI Jakarta DPRD. In principle, the executive has agreed to sell the shares to the public. However, it must get DPRD approval. We are waiting for a response from DPRD", explained Riza.