A Thousand Trees Planted At Pura Around Jakarta Ahead Of Nyepi Day

Jakarta, 10/3 (ANTARA) - Nyepi atmosphere can not only be felt in Bali. In Jakarta this momentum is celebrated with positive activities.

The Committee for the Holy Day Celebration of Nyepi Saka New Year 1946 planted a thousand trees in temples in DKI Jakarta and its surroundings.

"We also symbolically provide trees for reforestation. These trees will be planted in all temples in Jakarta," said Head of the Organizing Committee for Nyepi Day Saka 1946 I Putu Maharta Adijadja, as reported by Antara (10/3/2024).

Putu said the thousand aid trees from the Ministry of Environment and Forestry (KLHK) were not only handed over to temples in Jakarta, but also in the Bogor and Tangerang areas.

He said that for ketapang type trees that can grow quite high, most of them are planted outside Adhitya Jaya Temple, East Jakarta (East Jakarta).

In the commemoration of Nyepi New Year's Day Saka 1946, the theme carried was "Improving People's Health and Economy Towards Advanced Indonesia".

In addition to providing aid trees, the committee also held social services, health seminars and MSME seminars to improve the people's economy.

"On February 24, we also carried out compassion by providing assistance to five orphanages in Jakarta," said Putu.

Thousands of people from 13 DKI Jakarta temples held the Tawur Agung Kesanga and Nyarub Caru ceremonies ahead of Nyepi Holy Day Saka New Year 1946 which was centered at Adhitya Jaya Temple, East Jakarta, Sunday.

Hindus celebrate Nyepi Holy Day on Monday (11/3) by doing four prohibitions, namely not working, not lighting fires, not having fun and not traveling or doing activities outside the home.

"People just stay at home and we say a prayer for the next year to be better than the previous year," said Putu.