BMKG Records 8 Hotspots In East Kalimantan

JAKARTA - BMKG Balikpapan Station detected eight hotspots in East Kalimantan Province (Kaltim) so that related parties were advised to carry out handling, in the form of extinguishing.

The Coordinator for Data and Information at the Sultan Aji Class I Station, Sulaiman Sepinggan BMKG Balikpapan, Diyan Novrida, in Balikpapan, said that the eight hotspots were monitored throughout Friday (8/3), from 01.00 to 24.00 WITA. Citing Antara, the number of hotspots has decreased compared to on Wednesday (6/3) which was monitored at 59 points, but experienced an increase compared to Thursday (7/3) which was monitored at one point. The distribution of eight hotspots has been conveyed to related parties, such as Manggala Agni, the Regional Disaster Management Agency (BPBD), and the Fire Rescue and Extinguishing Service, both the provincial and district/city levels, so that further action can be taken. Given the number of hot spots has increased rather than the previous day, he appealed to all parties to be vigilant and prevent forest and land fires (karhutla), such as not burning in the forest or land, so that there is no addition and expansion of hot spots. He said vigilance needs to be done because a number of areas are still experiencing hot weather in a few consecutive days, thus it can cause branches and dried leaves that are prone to forest and land fires when exposed to fire or coal.

He explained that the eight hotspots were spread over two districts, namely East Kutai with six points, while the remaining two points were in Kutai Kartanegara Regency. In detail, in East Kutai Regency with six points spread across four sub-districts, namely Kaubun and Muara Wahau with two points each and Rantau Pulung and Telen, one point each.

"Everything has a middle level of trust," he said. In Kutai Kartanegara Regency with two hotspots in Loa Janan District.

"Both of them also have a middle level of trust," said Diyan.