Task Force Must Strengthen Coordination To Fight Illegal Financial Activities
The LAMPUNG BANDAR - The Illegal Financial Activity Eradication Task Force (Satgas Pasti) coordinated between institutions to strengthen the synergy of implementing the eradication of illegal investments, illegal online loans, and various other illegal financial activities to protect the public.
"Synergy and collaboration between authorities, ministries and institutions must be further improved to support the comprehensive eradication of illegal financial activities," said Head of OJK Lampung Province, Bambang Hermanto in his statement in Bandarlampung, Saturday.
This, he continued, is in line with efforts to protect consumers and the public in the financial services sector and the mandate of Article 247 of Law Number 4 of 2023 concerning the Development and Strengthening of the Financial Sector (UU P2SK).
According to him, through the P2SK Law, the existence of the Task Force must have a strong legal basis in handling illegal financial activities that include collecting and distributing public funds, issuing securities offered to the public.
Then the provision of payment system products or services and activities that are equalized by collecting funds, distributing funds, managing funds, intermediary in the financial services sector and providing payment system products or services that are not with applicable laws and regulations.
In addition, to provide a deterrent and law enforcement effect, Article 305 of the law also regulates the threat of imprisonment of at least 5 10 years and a minimum fine of IDR 1 billion to IDR 1 trillion for perpetrators of illegal financial activities.
Based on data from the Task Force Pasti, it is known that until December 2023, 1,218 illegal investments, 6,680 illegal online loans (pinjol), and 251 illegal pawns have been blocked or closed by the Pasti Task Force.
On the other hand, the Lampung Province OJK Office during 2023 has received 28 complaints regarding illegal loans and 3 complaints related to illegal investments.
The inaugural coordination meeting of the Task Force must be in 2024 apart from strengthening cross-sectoral collaboration in tackling financial crime problems, it also aims to:
Reaffirming the roles and duties of each authority, institution and ministry in the Task Force for sure.
Strive for the best handling considering the rampant complaints or reports from the public who are victims of illegal entities, namely investment and online loans.
Determining the work / activity program that can be carried out in 2024 is in an effort to prevent and handle illegal entities so that they do not expand in the community.
Formulating a coordination mechanism between members of the Task Force at the provincial and city and district levels
In 2024, there will be an addition of four ministries/agencies in the Pasti Task Force, namely the Ministry of Social Affairs, the State Intelligence Agency (BIN), the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, and the Ministry of Law and Human Rights. Thus, at the national level the number of members of the Task Force must be 16 ministries/agencies/agencies/agencies.
The Task Force must remind the public to always be careful and alert to illegal investment offers, illegal online loans, and personal loans because they have the potential to harm the community. With prevention efforts carried out by the Task Force, it is hoped that it can minimize the impact of financial losses and social impacts caused by illegal financial activities.