The SAR Team Is Still Looking For The Location Of The Pioneer Plane Crash In Binuang

The joint SAR team is still searching for pioneering aircraft belonging to the Smart Aviation (PK SNE) airline that lost contact after taking off from Tarakan's Juata International Airport to Binuang Village, Central Krayan District, Nunukan Regency, North Kalimantan (Kaltara).

Head of the Tarakan SAR Office, Syahril, said a joint team using the TNI-Army bell helicopter had been deployed to search the location of Binuang village, Krayan.

"However, the search cannot be carried out at night so it is temporarily suspended. The team rests at Malinau Airport to refuel," said Syahril, Friday, March 8.

Previously, the Tarakan SAR office received information from the Basarnas head office regarding the emergency signal from the Smart PC-6 PK-SNE aircraft.

"Signal comes from the Emergency Locator Transmitter (ELT), and a search is still being carried out. Regarding information from the surrounding community who are suspected of knowing the location of the incident, we are still investigating," he explained.

The same thing was expressed by Danlanud Anang Busra Tarakan, Colonel Pnb Bambang Sudewo, his party still relies on the ELT transmitter from the plane.

"In addition to the TNI's Heli Bell, two aircraft belonging to the Susi Air and Smart Aviation were deployed to search for the crash location of the plane that lost contact," he explained.

Bambang explained that the pioneering plane's ELT beam was at an altitude of 5,900 feet. To reach the location point is quite difficult.

"Based on information, in the Binuang shelter (flying field) there is no other navigation tool, the pilot can only see firsthand the condition of the shelter when it is about to land (landing)," said Bambang.

"The weather in Binuang is also foggy, the search will resume tomorrow or Saturday morning," he concluded.