During January 2024, QRIS Transactions In Aceh Reach 1.39 Million

BANDA ACEH - Bank Indonesia Aceh Province recorded that the volume of digital transactions using the Quick Response Code Indonesian Standard (QRIS) in the area in January 2024 reached 1.39 million transactions, out of the total target this year of 10 million transactions.

Head of the Aceh Province Bank Indonesia (BI) Representative Office Rony Widijarto in Banda Aceh, Friday, said that his party continues to encourage the acceleration of the implementation of digital payments in Tanah Rencong, both in the micro, small and medium enterprises (MSMEs) sector and local governments.

"This digitalization makes it easier for the community, MSMEs and local governments. Even the end of this is also encouraging digitization in mosques with QRIS," said Rony as quoted by ANTARA, Friday, March 8.

He explained that the volume of 1.39 million transactions was recorded during January 2024.

Pada bulan itu, juga tercatat penambahan 6.595 pengguna baru sehingga total pengguna QRIS di Aceh per Januari 2024 sebanyak 520.013 pengguna.

This, continued Rony, is the impact of the consistency of activities and programs that continue to be organized by BI and banks.

Payment ecosystem groups at ports, students, and mosques through infaq and alms programs are several segments that have become targets for socialization and onboarding in order to increase the number of transactions using QRIS during 2023.

"From the merchant side (trade) until January 2024, there have been 140,845 merchants who have implemented QRIS as an alternative non-cash payment," he said.

Based on business classification, the distribution of traders using the largest QRIS comes from the micro business sector (UMI) with a total of 101,074 traders.

QRIS onboarding activities carried out in various communities are expected to form a conducive digital ecosystem in encouraging people to transact non-cashly.

BI Aceh continues to make various efforts by collaborating with payment service providers (PJP), local governments and other elements to increase public interest and experience in transacting using QRIS.

According to Rony, digitalization brings aspects of improvement overall. Not only targeting the MSME sector but also encouraging digitization through the use of QRIS for regional taxes and levies.

"This means that digitalization will accelerate the collection of regional taxes and levies. We will encourage this together," he said.