West Pasaman Landslide, Simpang Empat-Medan Provincial Road Is Completely Cut Off

PASAMAN BARAT - The ranks of the West Pasaman Resort Police (Polres), West Sumatra, went directly to monitor and regulate traffic at the location of the landslide road which resulted in access to the provincial road from Simpang Empat to Talu, Talamau District breaking completely, Friday, March 8 in the early hours of the morning. "The access road in Rimbo Crime of Talamau completely broke due to landslides. At this location we have installed a road barrier or road safety fence," said West Pasaman Police Ops Head Kompol Muzhendra quoted ANTARA, Friday 8 February. According to the Head of the Ops Division, Kompol Muzhendra, the road collapsed on Thursday night at around 22.45 WIB, triggered by high rainfall since Thursday afternoon. received this information, his party and the Talamau Police immediately went to the landslide location and arranged the vehicle that was passing through the road. "The road access cannot be passed by vehicles, be it two wheels or four wheels. Moreover, the rain will continue to flush the area until early Friday," he said. to guard the road. The safety of motorists, his party has installed road barriers in the middle of both sides of the road as a sign that vehicles cannot pass. In addition, his party has also coordinated with the Panti Police in Pasaman Regency to install warning signs in the Panti area so that the vehicle does not come to Talu. "We will also install instructions for road users near Padang Tujuh Market, Pasaman District so that the vehicle does not catch up to Talu," he said. The Simpang Empat-Talu road is a provincial road that connects two districts, namely West Pasaman Regency and Pasaman Regency. In addition, vehicles from North Sumatra to Simpang Empat and vice versa were also passed. Until 03.00 WIB the ranks of the West Pasaman Police are still surviving in landslide locations to provide assistance to the community. "To road users, we hope to remain vigilant through Simpang Empat-Talu road because the location is very prone to landslides," he said. Moreover, he continued, Rimbo Crime was an area that was affected by the earthquake some time ago. There have also been many roads and hills around the road that have collapsed and collapsed. Meanwhile, the West Pasaman Regional Disaster Management Agency (BPBD) until early Friday noted that a number of locations experienced landslides and floods. Meanwhile, temporary data obtained by natural disasters, namely a bridge unit in Jorong Rura Patontang, Koto Balingka District, collapsed in water, flooding in Jorong Limpato Kajai Talamau District due to overflowing water from the Batang Limpato River and floods in Jorong Wonosari, Kinali District.

In addition, fallen trees in Tampuniak, Kinali District and floods in Sialang, Sasak Ranah Pasisia District. "Some BPBD officers have fallen from their fields. We still have data on how affected we are in the field," said Head of the West Pasaman BPBD Emergency Division, Afrizal.