Hasto PDIP Sindir Requests For An Extension Of The President's Term Amid Jokowi's Issues Move To Golkar

Secretary General of the PDI-P (PDIP) Hasto Kristiyanto mentioned again the extension of the presidential term from two to three terms requested by President Joko Widodo (Jokowi).

This statement was made when he was asked about the news of the transfer of his cadres to the Golkar Party.

Initially, Hasto said that someone was free to join the existing parties, including the PDIP. As long as the figure has a match.

"Yes, we (can't force, red) someone. If it's suitable, you can enter, if it's not suitable because the three-term request extension is not fulfilled, it's an active tellel and the constitution regulates that membership is an active cell," Hasto told reporters in the UI Campus area, Depok, Thursday, March 7.

Hasto ensured that his party would not worry about Jokowi's move if it happened. He said, the party bearing the bull symbol now chooses to be busy guarding the vote of the election.

Moreover, the people called Hasto must be able to assess the consistency of a person from their political choices. which then raises which ones then use pragmatic methods for power," he said.

As previously reported, the General Chairperson of the Golkar Party, Airlangga Hartarto, said that President Jokowi was a national figure. Thus, he belongs to all parties in the country.

"Pak Jokowi is a national figure, so he belongs to all parties," said Airlangga after attending the Plenary Cabinet Session at the State Palace, Jakarta, as reported by ANTARA, Monday, February 26.

Airlangga again answered the same thing when asked whether there was a formal discussion about Jokowi's joining. "As I said, (Jokowi, red) national figures, yes, all parties have," said the Coordinating Minister for the Economy.

Meanwhile, President Jokowi did not want to talk much about the news that he had changed parties. In fact, he was once caught wearing a yellow tie which ended up in the spotlight.

"I enter the palace every day," said Jokowi when asked about the reported entry of the Golkar Party by reporters after opening the TNI/Polri Leadership Meeting at GOR Ahmad Yani, TNI Headquarters, Cilangkap, East Jakarta, Wednesday, February 28.