What Is New Vehicle STCK: How To Take Care And Cost

YOGYAKARTA - For the use of vehicles that have purchased new motorbikes or cars, it is certainly familiar with the term STCK. This document is used as a substitute for Vehicle Registration Certificates (STNK). What is an important STCK is understood by those of you who want to buy a new vehicle.

When buying a new motorbike or car at a showroom or dealer, usually customers will be given a STCK. Purchasing a new vehicle will not get the STNK directly. To be able to use a new vehicle safely or officially on the road, you need to use a STCK until your motorbike registration is issued.

Vehicle Trial Certificate (STCK) is a travel document for a vehicle, either a motorbike or a car, to be driven on the road. STCK is used as a substitute for STNK so that the use of vehicles is permitted or free from ticketing. STCK is also often referred to as a temporary number plate.

The use of STCK is temporary, usually only valid for one month. Vehicle owners can only use STCK while waiting for their vehicle registration to be issued. STCK is issued by Samsat as a temporary vehicle travel document.

Purchase of new motorbikes or cars does not immediately get a STNK. After buying a new vehicle, you need to take care of the administration of the ownership of the vehicle that has just been purchased. The STNK management process usually lasts for approximately one month.

New vehicle owners are required to know the rules for using STCK as a travel document. Although it is applied as a substitute for STNK, vehicle owners cannot use STCK carelessly or there are certain restrictions.

STCK as a vehicle travel document should not be used to drive outside the city or area. This provision is regulated in the Road Traffic and Transportation Law No. 22 of 2009 in Article 69 and Article 69 paragraph 1.

There are several requirements that you need to prepare when taking care of the manufacture of STCK. The following are a number of requirements that must be completed to create a new vehicle STCK:

If the above terms are complete, then you can take care of making STCK through the following steps:

Making a new STCK with white plates usually costs IDR 50,000. However, the amount of this cost can vary depending on the location or area of each. Meanwhile, if your car has a black number plate, it will be set at a cost of around Rp. 1.5 million.

Demikianlah penjelasan apa itu STCK dan fungiannya bagi kendaraan baru. Pemilik kendaraan baru perlu memiliki STCK sebagai surat jalan supaya bisa menggunakan mobil atau motornya meski belum dibit STNK. Baca juga apa itu SPK dalam pembelian mobil baru.

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