Prevent Corruption, PGN Requires To Report Wealth To The KPK
JAKARTA - In order to support the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK)'s efforts to realize anti-corruption business actors through planting integrity values, PT Perusahaan Gas Negara Tbk (PGN) continues to implement the ISO 37001 Anti-Bribery Management System (SMAP) in carrying out its business activities.
PGN's Independent President Commissioner and Commissioner, Amien Sunaryadi, said that PGN also continues to provide routine training every year, with the aim of growing and increasing awareness to all workers regarding anti-corruption behavior. This effort is in line with the programs carried out by the KPK in providing guidance to business actors including state-owned enterprises, related to preventing actions that can harm state finances.
Not only PGN workers, policies and anti-corruption procedures are also socialized to all suppliers and business partners. Cooperation with PGN must be accompanied by an Integrity Pact by both parties," said Amien at the Anti-Corruption Business Actors Technical Guidance event in Jakarta.
Amien added that another effort that has been made by PGN is to implement the mandatory LHKPN report to the KPK as a form of responsibility and transparency for ownership of assets, digitizing various corporate strategic activities such as procurement of goods/services, payments, and customer bill information, to reduce the risk of bribery.
PGN also regulates and stipulates Guidelines for Conflict of Interest and Control of Gratification Number P-004/A-11, as the basis for implementing gratification control to encourage the implementation of business ethics and work ethics, preventing conflicts of interest and preventing fraud. Gratification management is carried out by the Gratification Control Unit Team (UPG), which is within the Internal Function of PGN Audit.
The Audit Internal Function also has an Ethics Committee tasked with managing the Whistleblowing System (WBS), which is a reporting system for alleged irregularities to the Company. WBS reporting can be submitted through the Company website, as well as official emails and letters addressed to the Ethics Committee," added Amien.
Harry Budi Sidharta as Director of Infrastructure & Technology received the Extend Scope Certificate of SMAP ISO 37001 which was handed over by the President Director of Lloyd Register Indonesia, Firya Amalia Andriana.
The implementation and certification of SMAP ISO 37001 has been carried out by PGN since 2020, for a limited scope. In the following year considering the benefits of SMAP ISO 37001 for Companies, PGN Management provides directions for the development of an extraordinary score of certification to a wider function as well as integration with the ISO 9001 Quality Management System, K3 Management System ISO 45001 and ISO 14001 Environmental Management System in the context of time and cost efficiency.
So at the beginning of 2024, with this directive, PGN succeeded in Insertifying the HSSE and Anti-Bribery Quality Integration as well as increasing the scope of SMAP ISO 37001 certification from 3 functions to 6 functions, which were considered to have a high risk of bribery.
Beni Syarief Hidayat as Director of Human Resources and Business Support added, in addition to being supported by the implementation of SMAP, certified standardization and digitizing processes in tackling potential corruption in PGN, PGN also applies 4 NOs in the practice of work, namely No Bribery, No Kickback, No Gift and No Luxurious.
"We continue to apply this culture to business and business ethics in carrying out our duties as part of state-owned corporations," he added
Not to forget, Beni also emphasized that PGN as Pertamina's Gas Subholding will continue to be committed to supporting the KPK in internalizing the value of integrity and anti-pensiveness.