Russia Adds World Chess Legend Garry Kasparov To Terrorist List

JAKARTA - Russia's financial surveillance agency has included the world chess legend from the country who is also a political activist, Garry Kasparov, on the "terrorists and extremists" list.

According to an AFP report reported by ANTARA Wednesday, March 6, the former chess world champion has long opposed Russian President Vladimir Putin and has been living in the United States for nearly ten years.

The chess legend who was born on April 13, 1963, is a chess grandmaster who won the chess world from 1985 to 2000.

Pecatur yang beralih menjadi aktivis dan penulit itu memiliki elong rating 2,851 pada 1999 atau yang tertinggi sepanjang masa sebelum disalip oleh Magnus Carlsen pada 2013.

From 1984 to retirement in 2005, Kasparov became the world's number one chess player for a period of 255 months.

Kasparov became the youngest chess world champion in 1985 at the age of 22 after defeating compatriot Anatoly Karpov.

Earlier Garry Kasparov, urged world powers to adopt a tougher military and economic strategy against Russian President Vladimir Putin over his invasion of Ukraine on Thursday.

In an interview with Reuters, Kasparov called on Western countries to withdraw their ambassadors from Moscow, remove Russia from Interpol's global police agency, imposing a no-fly zone over Ukraine.

"Russia must be thrown back into the Stone Age, to ensure oil and gas industries and other sensitive industries that are critical to the regime's survival, cannot function without Western technology support," Kasparov said.

Sanctions so far imposed by the United States and other NATO countries have isolated Russia to an unprecedented level for such a large economy.

Kasparov, former chairman of the New York-based Human Rights Foundation and played an active role in the anti-Kremlin opposition protest movement when he lived in Moscow told Reuters there would be no peace in the region until President Putin was removed from power.

"What list of 'would never be' by Putin has grown for so long. He has committed war crimes beyond imagination," he said.

However, Kasparov also targeted US President Joe Biden for not taking more aggressive action against Putin before.

"I hope Americans will revise their strategy and will show strength."