Minister Of Transportation Budi Karya Agrees To Reactivation Of Gatot Subroto Airport, Right Lampung

PALEMBANG - Minister of Transportation (Menhub) of the Republic of Indonesia Budi Karya Sumadi approved the reactivation of Gatot Subroto Airport in Way Tuba, Way Kanan Regency, Lampung.

Budi said that the airport's reactivation even seeks the availability of ATR aircraft to support the acceleration of airport reactivation.

"The first option is an ATR aircraft, we are trying to provide it, yes, we will do our best. But in principle we will try to accelerate the reactivation of Gatot Subroto Way Kanan Airport to immediately operate for commercial return," he said as quoted by ANTARA, WEDNESDAY, March 6.

Meanwhile, Acting Governor of South Sumatra (Sumsel) Agus Fatoni said his party hoped that Gatot Subroto Airport would resume operations before Eid al-Fitr 1445 Hijriah.

"Thank you, Minister, we are very happy. Hopefully, before Eid, we can operate," he said.

Fatoni said all regional heads, both in South Sumatra and Lampung Provinces, which are adjacent to the location of Gatot Subroto Way Kanan Airport, were present in the audience with the Indonesian Minister of Transportation. This is a form of their real commitment to realizing the airport's reactivation plan.

"This is complete for all regents who are present as a form of commitment, we have also carried out an MoU with them," he said.

He asked the regents and Kadishub of the province to shift the budget with Changes in Regional Head Regulations related to unexpected costs (BTT) for the reactivation of Gatot Subroto Airport, Way Kanan.

"Incidentally, the Ministry of Home Affairs continues to oversee this, at that time I also happened to be the Director General of Regional Finance knowing how to budget it even though there was no budget yet, it could be budgeted through BTT, sir, it could be allocated. So I ask the regents and the Head of the Provincial Transportation Agency to immediately shift the budget with the Amendment to the Regional Head Regulation related to BTT and a letter from the Ministry of Home Affairs has been prepared for this budget shift," he said.

Regent Way Kanan Raden Adipati Surya said his party had prepared a special budget for the acceleration of the reactivation of Gatot Subroto Way Kanan Airport.

"Thank you, Minister, so we have built a lot of new offices for departures and arrivals and have budgeted for it," he said.

Regent Ogan Komering Ulu (OKU) Timur Lanosin also really hopes to reactivate Gatot Subroto Airport Way Kanan. This is because East OKU Regency will later benefit from all existing flights.

"So for those who were initiated in the past, East OKU is ready, that it is East OKU that can be a blessing from all existing flights. I ask permission to be operated immediately," he said.