Using Central Government Data, DKI Provincial Government Asks Residents To Understand Deleted From KJP-KJMU Recipients

JAKARTA - Acting Head of the DKI Jakarta Education Office (Disdik) Purwosusilo responded to complaints from a number of people regarding data changes to recipients of the Jakarta Smart Card (KJP) Plus and the Jakarta Superior Student Card (KJMU).

Currently, the DKI Disdik Instagram social media account is enlivened by residents who complain that they have been dropped from KJP Plus and KJMU recipients. Purwosusilo asked the public to understand the current determination of beneficiaries.

"We hope that the public can understand these applicable rules and regulations," said Purwosusilo in his statement, Wednesday, March 6.

Purwosusilo admitted that the DKI Provincial Government does not have the authority to determine the list of KJP Plus and KJMU recipients.

This is because, in the registration of prospective KJP Plus and KJMU Phase I recipients in 2024, the DKI Jakarta Provincial Education Office uses data sources managed by the central government.

The data source in question is the Deserved Social Welfare Integrated Data (DTKS) category set as of February and November 2022 as well as as as of January and December 2023 which was ratified by the Ministry of Social Affairs of the Republic of Indonesia.

Then, DTKS data is matched with data from the Socio-Economic Registration (Regsosek) issued by the Ministry of National Development Planning/National Development Planning Agency (Bappenas) of the Republic of Indonesia to find out about the increase in welfare (desil).

"The Technical Service Unit of the Center for Personal Funding and Education Operations (UPT P4OP) of the DKI Jakarta Provincial Education Office is only a user (user) of DTKS data and Regsosek data," said Purwosusilo.

Currently, the government uses decile criteria in determining KJP Plus and KJMU recipients. The categories that are still included as recipients of education assistance include very poor (desil 1), poor (desil 2), almost poor (desil 3), and vulnerable to poverty (desil 4).

"Regarding the data on improving welfare (Desil), UPT P4OP does not have the authority and competence to explain the welfare ranking indicator (Desil), because it is the authority of the data producer," explained Purwosusilo.

"For people who are registered in the increase in welfare, Desil (the category of wealthy families) does not meet the requirements to receive social assistance for the cost of KJP Plus and KJMU education," he continued.