Yandex Collaborates With ITB To Hold AI Usage Seminar For Smart City

JAKARTA The Bandung Institute of Technology (ITB) held a seminar entitled Milestones sharing AI: ethical considerations, AI in smart cities, and innovation' which was held at the end of February. The event was initiated by international technology company Yandex and supported by the Ministry of Communication and Information of the Republic of Indonesia (Kominfo), discusses the AI landscape in Indonesia, explores the best practices, and discusses how AI can help create a more secure digital environment.

This seminar was attended by a number of experts, researchers, and industry professionals such as the Director of Information and Communication Technology Control of Kominfo, Teguh Arifiyandi. Dean of the Faculty of Electronic and Informatics Engineering, Tutun Juhana. Head of the Center for Innovation of the Smart City and Society, Prof. Suhono Harso Supangkat. Researcher at Smart City and Community Innovation Center, Fadhil Hidayat. As well as VP Strategy Yandex, Alexander Popovskiy, and AI Yandex Development Director Alexander Krainov.

The seminar begins with the opening remarks from Dr. Tutun Juhana and Prof. Suhono Harso Supangkat, explained how inseparable modern reality is with technology and how technology can help improve the quality of life in Indonesia.

Thus, Alexander Popovskiy sees this as a collaborative effort for Yandex, Kominfo, and a leading university in Indonesia.

Comply with Security and Ethics Standards

According to VP Startgy Yandex, the role of AI in bringing positive changes to the world is accompanied by disruptions about digital security and ethics. He stated that Yandex is a company that develops AI and machine learning (ML) solutions understands the importance of artificial intelligence ethics and does its best to develop an ML model that is not only beneficial for mankind but also adheres to security and ethical standards.

Alexander Popovskiy added that Yandex recently took part in the development of Russia's AI code of ethics along with several major technology companies, public institutions, and the scientific community. Supported by the state, this effort aims to create a safe and reliable environment for AI development in the country.

We are very grateful to Kominfo and all the universities that support and provide a platform for this crucial discussion. The purpose of this seminar is to facilitate knowledge sharing and improve understanding of AI's role in promoting a safe technology landscape. We believe this effort will make a significant contribution to the digital community and the advancement of Indonesian technology," concluded Alexander Popovskiy.

Meanwhile, Alexander Krainov provides an in-depth picture of AI's modern history, investigates the origin of the neural network and AI generatively and explores its evolution from AlexNet and Word2vec to DALL-E and ChatGPT.

The development of AI technology does not happen by chance. This is a systematic process consisting of scientific discoveries each based on previous discoveries and some of the most interesting advances in AI history are still coming, "said Alexander Krainov.


Smart City Researcher Response

Responding to the use of AI in Indonesia, researchers at the ITB Smart City Community & Innovation Center (SCCIC) highlight a systematic solution to urban challenges that can be applied in rural areas and even extend to other countries and regions of the world. world. SCIC proposes smart solutions for cities, villages, provinces, and countries through models, architectures, methods, frameworks, strategies, policies, and regulations. However, this must be emphasized with the importance of ethics in implementing AI.

The AI platform and services must adopt policies that prioritize transparency, justice, privacy protection, accountability, and diversity to reduce accidental bias in AI development. Fadhil Hidayat said

The highlight of this seminar is a discussion of a dynamic panel where participants exchange opinions on current trends and the prospects for AI's future in education. Later, a series of seminars will continue at the University of Indonesia at the end of February 2024, with a more interesting discussion to continue a series of campaigns to meet discussions about AI and its development in the Indonesian industry.

For information, Yandex is an international technology company that creates intelligent products and services supported by machine learning. The company's goal is to help consumers and businesses navigate the online and offline world better. Since 1997, Yandex has provided locally relevant world-class search and information services. In addition, the company has developed on-demand transportation services, navigation products, and other mobile applications that are leading the market for millions of consumers worldwide.