Miami Teacher Alexandra Handwerger Fired After Nude Photos And Videos Circulating At School
JAKARTA - The Hebrew Academy in Miami, Florida experienced a very controversial episode. A teacher lost her job after nude photos and videos of her were circulated among her students.
Alexandra Handwerger, 48, claims she was the unfortunate victim of someone who leaked sensitive images to students at the school where she previously worked.
Two weeks after the problem, Handwerger was dismissed from the school. She said that her nude photos and videos were legitimate and taken by herself.
Investigations are underway to determine whether the Handwerger was the source of the leak or someone else. At this time, she has not been arrested, nor is she facing any charges, although that could change depending on the findings of the investigation.
Regardless, the photos have spread like wildfire throughout the school. Educational facilities were forced to send letters to parents and alumni explaining the situation.
"We do not know how our students received the video/photo, but we have been and continue to carry out a thorough investigation into this whole serious matter", read a school statement.
Jude Faccidomo acted as Handwerger's lawyer and said the accusation that his client sent the photos to the students themselves was baseless.
He explained that his client was working with the authorities to make sure the facts were clarified.