Hooray! PLN Free Electricity Tokens In March Can Be Enjoyed, You Can Register Via Whatsapp

JAKARTA - The stimulus in the form of free electricity tokens for the period March 2021 can be enjoyed by customers of PT PLN (Persero) in the 450 volt-ampere (VA) and 900 VA subsidies as well as 450 VA power business and industrial customers. The free electricity tokens will expire this month.

As is known, the government has decided to extend the period of providing electricity fee relief assistance to customers of PT Perusahaan Listrik Negara (PLN) in the subsidized 450 VA and 900VA power household category, as well as the 450 VA power business and industry category only until March 2021.

Director of Commerce and Customer Management, Bob Saril, said that the extension of the electricity bill subsidy program was the government's effort to ease the burden on poor and vulnerable groups of people in the face of the COVID-19 pandemic.

Following up on this government policy, PLN is ready to continue and succeed in the distribution of this free electricity stimulus. All customers who are eligible for bill exemptions or discounts have been entered into the system since the previous COVID-19 stimulus was given.

The following is a list of customer groups who get relief and the duration of time:

1. The 450 VA household class, free of charge or token, is given from December 2020 to March 2021 account.

2. The subsidized 900 VA household group will be given a discount of 50 percent on bills or tokens from December 2020 to March 2021.

In addition to subsidized 450 and 900 VA customers, the government has also expanded electricity billing incentives for the social, business, and industrial segments. Business and industrial customers of 450 VA power will be provided a 100 percent electricity bill.

Just like before, for postpaid customers, this assistance will be directly included in the bill of each customer, while for prepaid customers or those using the token system, the amount of assistance provided is the same as to assistance in 2020.

You can obtain a COVID-19 stimulus electricity token via the website by:

1. Open the address www.pln.co.id then selects the Stimulus COVID-19 menu (Free/Discount Tokens).

2. Enter Customer ID / Meter Number.

3. Then the Free Token will be displayed on the screen.

4. Customers only need to enter the Free Token into the meter by the Customer ID.

PLN also uses the WhatsApp service to make it easier for customers to get electricity tokens by:

1. Open the WhatsApp application.

2. Chat WhatsApp to 08122-123-123, follow the instructions, one of which is to enter the Customer ID.

3. A free token will appear.

4. Customers only need to enter the Free Token into the meter by the Customer ID.

Apart from going through the PLN website and WhatsApp service, stimulus tokens can also be obtained through the PLN Mobile application by:

1. Open the PLN Mobile Application.

2. Click "PLN Cares for COVID-19" in the Info & Promos section.

3. Enter Customer ID / Meter Number.

4. A free token will appear.

5. Customers only need to enter the Free Token into the meter by the Customer ID.