Pursuing Target 1 GW From Rooftop PLTS, RI Needs 3.3 Million Solar Panels

The Acting Director General of New Renewable Energy and Energy Conservation (EBTKE) of the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources, Jisman P Hutajulu, revealed that Indonesia needs at least 3.3 million solar panels to achieve the target of 1 Gigawatt (GW) of the PLTS Roof capacity connected to the PLN network and 0.5 GW from non-PLN every year.

"This is assuming a capacity of 1 450 Wp solar module," said Jisman in his remarks at the Socialization of the Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources 2/2024, Tuesday, March 5.

Jisman said that the Rooftop PLTS Program could also encourage the production of the domestic solar module. Moreover, recently the government has issued Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources No. 2 of 2024 concerning Rooftop PLTS Connected to the Electricity Supply Business License Owner Network for Public Interest (IUPTLU) as a revision of Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources No. 26 of 2021.

Furthermore, Jisman explained that on the upstream side of the Republic of Indonesia also has supporting resources such as silica sand that can be used to produce solar panels.

"Thus, it is hoped that the Roof PLTS program can support the plan to build the upstream solar cell industry which is planned in Central Java, Batam Island and Rempang Island," continued Jisman.

Through the Roof PLTS Program, said Jisman, the government invites the public to contribute directly to the use of green energy, as well as increase awareness in carrying out energy efficiency, especially during the day by maximizing the energy of the Roof PLTS.

However, Jiman emphasized, Rooftop PLTS has an intermittent nature, so the development of Roof PLTS must be calculated carefully by paying attention to the reliability of the system, so it is necessary to set a PLTS quota every year that enters a system.

"The Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources through the Directorate General of EBTKE and the Directorate General of Electricity will provide guidance and supervision, so that the implementation of the Rooftop PLTS Candy can run according to the rules, are effective, and transparent," concluded Jisman.