People Asked Not To Panic Buying Ahead Of Ramadan Because Food Commodity Stock Is Safe

JAKARTA - The Ministry of Trade (Kemendag) asked the public to be calm and not panic buying ahead of the month of Ramadan and Eid al-Fitr 1445 Hijri, because the stock of basic food commodities is guaranteed to be safe.

"The Ministry of Trade hopes that the public will not have to worry about the need for public rice to be consumed," said the Director General of Domestic Trade at the Ministry of Trade, Isy Karim, quoted from ANTARA, Monday, March 4.

He said that people do panic buying not because of the absence of rice, but also want to get a cheaper price.

This phenomenon, he said, could actually lead to worse prices.

"Panic buying can affect prices getting even worse," said Karim.

Therefore, Karim hopes that people will shop wisely and according to their needs.

If you are afraid of the increasing price of rice, he said, the government has prepared an alternative rice program for the Stability of Supply and Food Prices (SPHP) program from Perum Bulog.

"Even now, which last year (SPHP) wasn't in modern retail, it's also available," said Karim again.

In line with Karim, Bapanas Food Distribution and Reserve Director Rachmi Widiriani also asked the public not to overspend which could cause food waste or food waste.

"Don't cause food waste because you're too busy shopping," said Rachmi.

Then, he also said that food assistance for rice would still be handed over to beneficiary families (KPM) until June.

"Soon, the stunting risk of family assistance will also be released, in the form of 1 kg of chicken and 10 eggs. This will be given to 1.4 million stunting risk families," said Rachmi.

Badanas hopes to help the community meet food needs.

"And once again, don't worry. We from the government, and this government's food reserves are ready to provide increased availability for food," said Rachmi.

Previously, the Ministry of Trade had issued a permit to import 1.6 million tons of rice to complete the Government Rice Reserve (CBP) stock.

The Director General of Domestic Trade at the Ministry of Trade, Isy Karim, said that the import approval increased the number of imports of 2 million tons of rice that had previously been set by the government.