Two Houses Suspected Of Santet Shamans In Ciputat Searched By Gegana And TNI Teams

TANGERANG Team Gegana Polda Metro Jaya and the Army searched Heryadi's house, a shaman who owns a firearm (senpi) on Jalan Sawah Lama, Ciputat, South Tangerang (Tangsel). The search was carried out in two nearby houses belonging to Heryadi.

Until this afternoon, Monday, March 4, officers were still checking Heryadi's house to look for items that were considered dangerous.

Agus, the head of the local RW, said that Heryadi owns two houses. The first house is his old residence.

"The two houses. The ones under that were raided by the residents," Agus told reporters at the location, Monday, February 4.

Agus said the police came and searched Heryadi's house, where the firearms were found and photos of residents who were stabbed with needles.

"The house is near the mosque, the one with the weapon," said Agus.

Heryadi is said to have practiced bullying at his home. Residents raided Heryadi's house because it was considered disturbing. At that time, the police found two firearms and their bullets.

Head of Criminal Investigation Unit of the East Ciputat Police, Iptu Krisna Hasiholan, confirmed the incident.

"After being searched, it was found that dozens of photos were stabbed and bullets were also found and 2 rifles at his house," said Krisna Hasiholan in a short message, Monday, February 4.