In Order To Open The PGRI Congress, Jokowi To Ask The Minister Of State Secretary To Advance The IMM Event

JAKARTA - President Joko Widodo opened the 2024 PGRI XXII Congress at the Grand Sahid Jaya Hotel, Jakarta, Saturday, March 2. In order to attend this morning's PGRI event, Jokowi shifted the Muhammadiyah Student Association Congress (IMM). Also accompanying President Jokowi, namely Minister of Religion Yaqut Cholil Qoumas, Minister of Trade Zulkifli Hasan, National Police Chief General Listyo Sigit Prabowo, and DKI Governor Heru Budi Hartono. "This morning, I should still be in Palembang, after Wednesday I went to Samarinda, then Thursday is in Bontang, Friday is still at IKN, and Saturday there are two invitations, PGRI and IMM," Jokowi said during his remarks at the opening of the 2024 PGRI XXIII Congress, Saturday, March 2. "I conveyed it to the Minister of State Secretary, 'Sir, if the two times are together, you can't, please convey it to the IMM going to Friday night' Alhamdulillah," Jokowi continued to applause.

So, Jokowi continued, he immediately departed from IKN Nusantara by helicopter to Balikpapan to open the IMM congress last night. The head of state said he had just landed at the Bogor Palace to rest around 12.00 WIB. "This morning, Bogor launched here so that he could meet the teacher's father," he said. Jokowi admitted that this was the first time he had attended the same event in the near future. He said it was only for the sake of the teachers. "In just 3 months I have come to the PGRI event twice. First, in November 2023 on the teacher's day, then this morning at the PGRI congress. This is rare every 3 months, but once again because the teachers who invited me could not refuse because the services of teachers were really great for this country," he concluded.