There Are Rich People Interventions In Merger Gojek-Grab

JAKARTA - Rumors of the joining of two online motorcycle taxi companies, Gojek and Grab, are increasingly being heard. Moreover, it was reported that there was a "very strong" person among the investors who was said to be incessant to unite the two biggest transportation rulers in Southeast Asia.

Launching from the Financial Times report, serious discussions took place between investors who invested in the two ride-hailing companies. Given that these two companies have been competing for a long time to win over their customers.

"The power at play here is higher than just what Grab or Gojek want, or simply don't want. This is about a number of long-term influential shareholders in both companies who want to stem losses or find ways to get out of their investment," said Salah. one investor from Grab, as quoted by VOI, Thursday, March 12.

If it is detailed, Gojek, which is based in Jakarta, has received investment from Vincent and Google. Meanwhile, Grab, which is headquartered in Singapore, received large investments from SoftBank and Microsoft.

In fact, serious talks between the two largest decacorns in Southeast Asia are indeed quite intense. At least the rumors of the Gojek and Grab merger have been widely heard when Softbank founder and CEO Masayoshi Son visited Jakarta some time ago.

"Given the dynamics of the two parties being equally open, there is greater will at the highest level. Despite that there are complex power issues," said one shareholder.

The facts regarding these serious negotiations reflect how the startup investment environment has changed in Asia. Where recently both entrepreneurs and investors are prioritizing company growth at the expense of profits.

Based on Tech in Asia's calculations, if Gojek and Grab officially join forces, it is estimated that the fund will be valued at more than US $ 23 billion or more than Rp.336 trillion at the current rupiah exchange rate. The fund's valuation was obtained from the expansion efforts of the two companies in Indonesia, Singapore, Thailand and Vietnam.