Farmers Are Encouraged To Enter International Markets

JAKARTA - The Indonesian Farmers Association (HKTI) has signed a Memorandum of Understanding with the International Business Association (IBA). This was carried out as part of HKTI's strategy to penetrate the international market for the promotion and marketing of Indonesian agricultural products abroad.

The signing of this Memorandum of Understanding is also seen as an important means for Indonesian businessmen, especially in the agricultural, food and horticultural sectors to be able to meet, exchange views and experiences with outsiders and as a means of finding business partners through meetings and forums (business meeting and forum).

As the largest organization that houses millions of farmers and horticultural farmers in Indonesia, HKTI sees the need for a breakthrough in finding opportunities to market agricultural products. HKTI sees the IBA as a transnational entity that has the same vision and mission, with the support of well-established foreign entrepreneurs in it.

IBA is a non-profit organization that has succeeded in advancing businesses and entrepreneurs in various countries in Asia. The IBA has also been exploring to open opportunities for cooperation in Africa. This is one of the important considerations for HKTI to sign this Memorandum of Understanding.

General Purnawirawan Moeldoko as the Head of HKTI said that it was time for the food sector farmers and horticultural agricultural actors in Indonesia to explore the international market thoroughly and sustainably.

"For this reason, HKTI needs partners who have proven capable of increasing and adding value to agricultural products in various countries," said Moeldoko in a statement received by VOI, Thursday, March 12.

He added that this cooperation is expected to provide benefits not only for HKTI, farmers and agricultural actors, but also for the people around them. Through this collaboration, HKTI, with the support of IBA, will also get the opportunity to introduce advanced agricultural techniques and machines to Indonesia to farmers and agricultural actors, as well as send Indonesian young people to other countries to study in agriculture.

"So that there is a process of transfer of technology and knowledge," said Moeldoko.

According to Shan Shan as Chair of the IBA, as a country that has one of the largest populations in the world, Indonesia has tremendous potential to be able to develop agriculture into an international scale industry. For this reason, IBA has positioned itself as a partner for farmers and horticultural farmers through cooperation with HKTI.

"This cooperation will be carried out with due observance of the existing and applicable rules in Indonesia by paying attention to the principles of good governance," said Shan Shan.

Immediately after the signing of this Memorandum of Understanding, IBA and HKTI will formulate a series of strategic tactical steps for a more direct, tangible and comprehensive cooperation that will involve and impact farmers, agricultural actors and horticultural entrepreneurs in Indonesia.

The MOU was carried out in conjunction with the second Asian Agriculture and Food Forum (ASASFF), after previously being held in 2018. The Forum was attended by no less than 105 participants from 10 countries.