Collaborating With PGN, The Government Will Build WNTS Pipelines To Distribute Gas From Natuna

JAKARTA - The government is known to be building a gas pipeline from the West Natuna Transportation System (WNTS) which will flow gas from the Natuna Working Area. Just so you know, so far the gas from natuna has only been exported to Singapore.

Coordinator of the Oil and Gas Program of the Directorate General of Oil and Gas (Ditjen Migas) of the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources (ESDM), Rizal Fajar Muttaqien said, for the construction of this gas pipeline, the government will cooperate with PT Perusahaan Gas Negara (PGN).

"There are also sections that will be built by PGN, the WNTS pipeline which will later flow gas from Natuna, which so far there has been no offtaker of gas, so far the offtaker has only been exported," Rizal said in a webinar Investigating the Readiness of Gas Supply for the Industrial and Generation Sector, Wednesday, February 28.

Rizal hopes that with the construction of this transmation pipeline, it can optimally cover domestic blindness.

Rizal further said, in order to support and meet domestic needs specifically for industry and power plants, the government continues to improve infrastructure development and pipelines for natural gas transmission.

He detailed that several natural gas infrastructures that are being built are the Cisem I Semarang-Batang transmission pipeline which has been built with the APBN and will continue phase II for the Batang-Kandang Haur Timur section.

"Later on, Dumai-Sei Mangkei sections will also be built. These two sections built with the state budget solely to get cheaper distribution fees, lower than being built by the private sector," he continued.

Rizal added, with the construction of these two transmission pipes as a backbone for natural gas flow from Arun to Gresik which will later be connected, it is hoped that it can increase the optimization of natural gas utilization, especially in East Java, which is currently experiencing an oversupply.

Rizal said the government also has a small-scale LNG pipeline development program to secure energy supplies in areas that are constrained by geographical factors such as those on the islands.

"This is mainly in eastern Indonesia through the gasification program for diesel fuel plants to later convert to BBG," concluded Rizal.