'What Luxury Is Promised?' The Sharp Satire Of Islah Bahrawi To SBY, Wiranto And Agum Gumelar About Prabowo's Rank
Tidak bisakah pak Jokowi sedikit saja menghargai keluarga korban penculikan yang sampai saat ini masih menunggu kejelasan dimana mayat dan pusara sanak keluarganya? Ijin bertanya bapak presiden yang kami takuti: apakah bapak masih punya empati?Apakah di dalam nurani para… pic.twitter.com/bwsAxH6r8F
— Islah Bahrawi Official (@islah_bahrawi) February 28, 2024
Can't Mr. Jokowi respect the families of the kidnapping victims a little, who are still waiting for clarity on where the bodies and graves of his relatives are? The permission to ask the president that we fear: do you still have empathy? Is it in the conscience of the... pic.twitter.com/bwsAxH6r8F