Gibran's Vice Presidential Candidate Was Gased By Dr. Tifa For Holding Plastic Bottles: This Boy Will Be More Liar
JAKARTA - Sindirian loudly came from a controversial figure on Twitter, Dr. Tifa to a candidate for vice president 02 Gibran Rakabuming Raka. He said Gibran was a liar who surpassed his father, Joko widodo.The satire started with a photo of Gibran holding a plastic drink bottle. In the photo frame, Gibran is seen wearing a maroon red shirt with two other people.Tifa did not accept it because during the presidential election debate on January 21 at the JCC, Gibran criticized Muhaimin Iskandar alias Cak Imin who drank from plastic bottles. Gibran said Cak Imin was funny because he asked about the environment, but still used plastic bottles.Tifa said that the plastic bottle used by Cak Imin during the debate was actually prepared by the event committee. It's strange if Gibran criticizes it."Still remember this boy in the vice presidential debate harassing Cak Imin, who used a plastic drink bottle (pdhl was provided by the committee), with the songong saying he was using a glass drink bottle," tweeted Tifa on Account X, @DokterTifa quoted by VOI, Monday, February 26.This time Tifa 'attacked' Gibran because the photo actually holds a plastic bottle.
"What is in your hand, Sul? Where is the Israeli product! This boy will be more liar than his father," Tifa.Tifa's tweet has received attention from a number of netizens with 2,370 likes and 662 reposted.Previously, during a debate at the JCC, January 21, Cak Imin asked Gibran about the strategy to implement bioregional-based development so that climate justice is maintained, social justice is realized, ecological justice is carried out well, justice between generations is also realized."At the same time social justice. Please explain," said Cak Imin.Gibran then started the answer by satirizing Cak Imin who used plastic bottles, even though he talked about the environment. He compared the glass bottles he, Mahfud, and Ganjar Pranowo used."Gus Muhaimin is funny, isn't it. Talking about environmental problems, but how come you use these plastic bottles. Even though I, Mr. Ganjar, Prof. Mahfud use a glass bottle. That's how commitment is it? All plastic bottles. But that's okay, we're back on topic," said Gibran.