Prabowo Warned About Communism

JAKARTA - There is concern that Defense Minister Prabowo Subianto feels from the dark history of the Indonesian Communist Party (PKI). According to Prabowo, the communist movement is still standing in Indonesia.

This he did not convey directly. This statement was made in Prabowo's narration of remarks read by the chancellor of the Indonesian Defense University, Lt. Gen. Tri Legionosuko during the opening of the book review 'PKI Dalang and Perpetrators of the G30S / 1965 Coup'.

"Communist ideology and the communist movement in Indonesia should be presumed to still exist," said Tri at the Office of the National Defense Institute, Jalan Medan Merdeka Selatan, Saturday, November 23.

Therefore, Tri said Prabowo asked history teachers in schools not to miss the delivery of the rebellion incident to the suppression of the PKI.

"I hope that history teachers in schools can convey the true history of PKI rebellion and cruelty to their students," said Tri.

In Prabowo's view, Tri said that the communist movement through the G30SPKI, several times tried to overthrow the ideology established by the Indonesian government, namely Pancasila.

However, after the attempt to disband the PKI TAP MPR in 1966 and it was declared a banned organization, communist ideology is thought to still exist in Indonesia. So it is necessary to increase awareness of the dangers of communism.

"The end of the cold war era, the emergence of the era of globalization does not mean that communism has also collapsed, several countries that adhere to communist ideology still exist, including the PRC, Vietnam, Cuba. Thus, the communist ideology and the communist movement in Indonesia should be presumed to still exist. must always increase vigilance, "he explained.

For information, the author of the book "PKI Masterminds and Perpetrators of the G30S / 1965 coup", Aminudin Kasti, explained that the book mentioned in Prabowo's speech is a collection of several writings on the history of the PKI 30S.

"This book is the writings of the congregation, the writings of a collection consisting of several elements of friends who are members of the Foundation for the Concerned Society for History (YMPS) which is based at the Tebu Ireng Islamic Boarding School under the guidance of Mr. Salahudin Wahid," said Aminudin.