Tanah Datar West Sumatra Emergency Response Bandang Flood 14 Days

SUMBAR - The Tanah Datar Regency Government (Pemkab) in West Sumatra (West Sumatra) has set a flash flood emergency response period for the next 14 days starting today, Sunday, February 25.
The status was determined after the flash hit Nagari Barulak, Tanjung Baru District, Tanah Datar on Friday, February 23.
"After we listen to the analysis, input and suggestions from Forkopimda and related agencies, an emergency response period is set for the next 14 days," said Tanah Datar Regent Eka Putra in Batusangkar, West Sumatra, Sunday, February 25, which was confiscated by Antara. He said, before establishing an emergency response period, his party had taken steps for the initial handling of communities affected by flash floods by providing initial assistance through the Tanah Datar Social Service and BPBD., so that aftershocks did not occur," he said.
Meanwhile, the Head of BPBD Tanah Datar, dr. Ermon Revlin said that the flash flood that occurred on Jum'at had an impact on three Jorongs in Nagari Barulak.
Data from BPBD of at least 27 housing units, two prayer rooms, and tens of hectares of agricultural land were affected by the flash flood in Nagari Barulak. "Until now, it is estimated that 27 houses, two prayer rooms, five bridges and tens of hectares of agricultural land and plantations of the affected communities, and currently, our officers continue to record potential losses caused by this disaster," he said.