Bawaslu Asks KPU Not To Update Sirekap Data Too Long

Chairman of the Election Supervisory Agency (Bawaslu) Rahmat Bagja asked the General Elections Commission (KPU) not to update the Recapitulation Information System (Sirekap) data for too long.

"Don't keep it closed, no. After the system is good, yes, open it again. It doesn't mean it's closed, no, but it's opened again," said Bagja as quoted by ANTARA, Friday, February 23.

Berdasarkan pengamatan ANTARA pada Jumat pukul 18.30 WIB, laman menggunakan data Sirekap terakhir diperbaharui pada Kamis (22/2), pukul 23.00 WIB.

According to Bagja, Sirekap data that is always updated is a form of transparency to the public as well as a form of improvement to the electoral system.

Bawaslu advised the KPU to be able to audit Sirekap so that transparency of the election results to the public can be maintained.

"In the future, for example, if you want an audit of the Recapitulation Information System, and I think KPU friends are willing to be audited. It's open, that's it, audited," he said.

However, he assessed that the temporary suspension of Sirekap data was the right step in accordance with the improvement suggestions from Bawaslu.

"Yes, according to our recommendations for improvement. It will be stopped first if, for example, the figure is too different between (formulition) C Results with the numbers in the conversion of numbers with those in Sirekap," said Bagja.