KPK Reminds New Regional Heads Of Good Governance Principles, Touching On Corruption Modes

JAKARTA - The Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) reminds the newly appointed regional heads to realize their campaign promises through a clean government. In addition, they are also expected to always maintain integrity and prioritize the principles of good governance.

Acting KPK spokesman for Prevention Ipi Maryati also explained a number of corruption modes carried out by regional heads they have handled, namely regional spending which includes procurement of goods and services, regional cash management, grants and social assistance (bansos).

In addition, there is also an asset management mode, to the placement of local government capital in BUMD or third parties.

Next, corruption in the regional revenue sector, ranging from local taxes and levies as well as regional revenues from the center; corruption in the licensing sector, from issuing recommendations to issuing permits; and conflicts of interest.

"As well as the abuse of authority in the position auction process, rotation, transfer, and promotion of ASN within his government," said Ipi in a written statement to journalists, Friday, February 26.

Ipi hopes that the newly appointed regional heads will not make the same mistakes. Moreover, as of last February, the KPK has named 126 regional heads as suspects, consisting of 110 regents / mayors and their deputies, and 16 Governors.

"The KPK hopes that regional heads will no longer repeat these corrupt practices. The KPK invites regional heads to use their positions and powers to make policies that favor the interests of the people," he said.

Furthermore, the KPK has also carried out various prevention, coordination and supervision programs to encourage more transparent and accountable governance.

One of them, through the implementation of eight areas of intervention as a focus for improvement such as the planning and budgeting sector of the APBD, Procurement of Goods and Services, Licensing - One Stop Services (PTSP), Strengthening the Government Internal Supervisory Apparatus (APIP), ASN Management, Optimizing Regional Revenue, Management Regional Assets, and Village Fund Governance.

"The eight areas of intervention are mapped based on the experience of the KPK in handling corruption crimes and are vulnerable points for corruption that are often carried out by regional heads," he concluded.