Before You Buy A New Monitor Screen, This Is The Difference Between LCD And LED!

JAKARTA - Along with technological developments, the quality of the monitor screen has also grown. Now, several types of monitor screens are available, namely tube, LCD, plasma and LED monitors. Among the four types, LCD and LED screens are the most widely used screen types.

For users who have repeatedly purchased monitor screens, choosing between two screens is certainly not a problem. Because they are used to it so they know the advantages and disadvantages.

However, it is a different matter for first-time buyers in choosing a monitor screen. Therefore, the VOI team has summarized the various differences between LCD and LED screens. So that you can get products that suit your needs and the budget you have prepared.

Definition of LCD and LED screens

Basically, LCD and LED screens are not that different. LCD stands for Liquid Crystal Display. This type of monitor screen uses a white background or called white backlight/sidelight.

The LCD screen consists of a large number of points of light (pixels). Each point of light is composed of a liquid crystal. Even though they are referred to as points of light, these crystals do not emit light on their own. The light source is obtained from a white fluorescent lamp located behind the liquid crystal array.

The points of light, which number up to tens of thousands (there are several million), make up the graphic display on the screen. Meanwhile, different technologies are being applied to LED screens.

LED stands for Light-Emitting Diode. The LED screen can only emit light when the panel is getting an electric current. Thus, the light produced is more efficient.

Actually, the LED screen is a development of the LCD screen. The reason is, this type of screen uses an LCD panel with LEDs as a lighting source.


Difference between LED and LCD

After knowing the difference in the technology behind LCD and LED screens, now it is better if you understand how the difference between the two is clearer. Summarizing from various sources, there are three main differences between LCD and LED. Among others are:

Electricity Consumption

Compared to tube screens, LCD and LED screen types are recognized as more energy efficient. The material used by each screen does not require a lot of electric power to stay active.

But if you compare between the two, the LED screen is much more efficient than the LCD. Generally, the electricity consumption of an LED screen is up to 20-30 percent smaller than an LCD screen.

Screen Thickness

At first glance, we may fail to spot the difference in thickness between these two types of screens. The problem is that the two types of screens have applied the same thin screen layer. However, if we look closely, then we can see the difference.

The LED screen is thinner than LCD. This is the effect of using LED material on the screen. And because of the difference in material, the container for wrapping it has a different size.

Backlight Technology (Back Lightning)

The most obvious difference between LCD and LED is the backlight technology used. On the LCD screen, the irradiation is obtained from Cold Cathode Fluorescent Lamps (CCFL). Meanwhile, the LED relies on a Light Emitting Diode stamp.

This material difference causes the electricity consumption between the two to be much different. Where the LED screen requires less electricity than the LCD. In addition, the LED screen can also produce graphics with a higher quality ratio.

As a result, the image on the LED screen is sharper, more detailed, with a high enough color density. It can be concluded, electricity and sharpness are two advantages of an LED screen over an LCD.