Gulping Pesticides After Killing Family In Rembang Central Java, Here's Sumani's Current Condition

JAKARTA - The perpetrator of the murder of a family who had undergone treatment at the Rembang Regional General Hospital, Central Java, for attempting to commit suicide, was finally detained in the local Police detention cell after being declared healthy.

"The perpetrator has been detained since February 16, 2021 after the dismissal period is over," said Rembang Police Chief AKBP Kurniawan Tandi Rongre through the Head of Criminal Investigation Unit AKP Bambang Sugito in Rembang as reported by Antara, Friday, February 26.

While being treated, the perpetrator was unable to provide any information. After recovering, the perpetrator can be asked for information regarding the alleged murder of his family.

At this time, he said, the perpetrator named Sumani (43), a resident of Pragu Village, Sulang District, Rembang Regency, is undergoing further detention.

The perpetrator was named a suspect since February 8, 2021. But after being determined, the perpetrator attempted to commit suicide by drinking a liquid pesticide. As a result, they have to undergo treatment in the hospital.

During his stay in the hospital, the perpetrator was guarded by five personnel to anticipate things that are not desirable.

Although at the beginning of the investigation he had not admitted his actions, he said, from the results of the investigation and a number of evidence there was a strong suspicion that he was the perpetrator of the murder.

This was reinforced by the finding of evidence in the form of sickles, a number of jewelery in the form of bracelets, rings, gold needles and earrings at the suspect's house.

The victims who were found dead in a house in Turusgede Village, Rembang District, Thursday (4/2) were named Anom Subekti (husband), Tri Purwati (wife), Alfitri Saidatina (child), and Galuh Lintang (grandson).

For his actions, the perpetrator is subject to the death penalty or life sentence for alleged violations of Article 340 of the Criminal Code, subsidiary to Article 338 of the Criminal Code and / or Article 365 Paragraph (3) of the Criminal Code or Article 80 Paragraph (3) in conjunction with Article 76C of the Law of the Republic of Indonesia Number 35 of 2014 concerning Amendments to Law of the Republic of Indonesia Number 23/2002 concerning Child Protection.