4,000 KSP Indosurya Members Have Disbursed Funds

JAKARTA - The management of the Indosurya Savings and Loan Cooperative (KSP) affirms the commitment to fulfill the Homologation / Peace decision which has been decided by the Commercial Court at the Central Jakarta District Court regarding the obligations to its members.

Efforts to disburse funds to members are the focus of attention being carried out. Until now, 4,000 members have received the disbursement of the installment funds that have been made after the homologation decision.

The management of KSP Indosurya namely Sonia, Charlie and Mila explained that the payment of funds for the elderly and priority members had been made. In the midst of a pandemic condition, KSP Indosurya continues to strive to carry out its obligations.

"Payment of installments for members with funds above Rp. 500 million to Rp1.99 billion has been carried out according to the homologation decision," they told reporters in Jakarta, Friday, February 26.

Throughout 2021, disbursements have been made for around 2,700 members. Thus, the total disbursement to date has reached around 4,000 members, since the first time the homologation decision was carried out.

The members of KSP Indosurya, he continued, were indeed asked to update their data, related to addresses, cellphone numbers, to e-mails, in order to facilitate correspondence and disbursement of funds. Given that there could be changes in domicile and others.

"Updating data is needed to make it easier for members as well, so indeed members who withdraw will be asked to update the data," he explained.

As is known, the homologation / peace has been decided by the Commercial Court at the Central Jakarta District Court. Court, through Homologation / Peace Decision Number. 66 / PDT.SUS-PKPU / 2020 / PN.Niaga.Jkt.Pst dated 17 July 2020, legally affirming that the peace between KSP Indosurya Cipta and all creditors (whether participating in the PKPU Process or not) is binding (Vide Article 286 of the Law Number 37 of 2004 concerning Bankruptcy and PKPU).