12 Substitutes For Filling And Suitable Rice For Diet, Have You Ever Tasted It?
YOGYAKARTA There are various reasons for someone to explore the replacement for rice. Starting from the variety of diet menus, getting nutritional adequacy, to the affordability of foodstuffs. It is also important to understand, by consuming local food or buying farmers around the house, it contributes significantly not only in the health aspect but also in the local economy. Well, as a reference, you can consume the following replacement rice which turns out to be suitable for various types of diets.
Kol flowers are included in the family of crossed vegetables. This vegetable family includes broccoli, cabbage, Brusselsn cabbage, and kale. As a substitute for rice, cauliflower can be processed with small depletion when it is still raw, for example with food processing, until the texture resembles rice. Then steamed until it gets a soft texture and can be given spice spices.
As an alternative rice, low-carb and calori cauliflower. Although it does not have a strong taste, it is suitable for those of you who are on a keto diet or people with gluten intolerance.
No different from cauliflower, broccoli can be processed and peppered in the same way. Rice broccoli is the right alternative to rice for people who take a low-carb or low-calorie diet. Brokoli has a strong antioxidant effect, anti-inflammatory, and fight cancer.
Still as a substitute for rice, cabbage that includes Silangan vegetables can also be an alternative. People usually sprinkle cabbage with food processors or manuals by hand. These vegetables are low in calories and carbohydrates and rich in vitamins and minerals. Kubis is also rich in calcium, bioactive compounds, as well as vitamins C and E. Launching Medical News Today, Thursday, February 22, evidence shows that cabbage prevents high cholesterol, liver problems, pancreatitis, and heart disease.
Nasi shirataki is a popular food in parts of Asia. The prevalence of shirataki consumption increases worldwide because this food is low in calories and carbohydrates and rich in gluomanan fiber.
Shirataki comes from the roots of the cone which are converted into rice grains. One portion, or about 100 grams, contains 10 calories and 5 grams of carbohydrates. But shirataki does not contain protein although it is useful for reducing glucose, cholesterol, and blood pressure.
SUCH textured grains of thick rice and a little spicy taste include ancient wheat. The content of the protein is high so it is suitable for those who eat vegan and vegetarian diets. Wheat, such as farro, accounts for essential amino acids, minerals, vitamins, and phytochemicals for a person's food.
Fries are very versatile and there are many ways to process them. You can beat and add butter for messy potatoes. It can only be boiled, roasted, or steamed.
Fries are a type of tubers that have been consumed since ancient times. Fries have antioxidant effects, anti-inflammatory, anti-cancer, lower cholesterol, and balance blood sugar.
In traditional foods in the archipelago, there is sweet sweet sweet sweet sweet sweet potatoes with thick coconut parity. Sweet potatoes are long cut, then steamed. If you want to increase the sweet taste, it can be added to palm sugar before it starts to be grown. But because the sweet sweet sweet potatoes taste already has sweet taste, you don't need to add it with brown sugar.
Sweet potatoes can also be used as an alternative to rice. In sweet tubers and various varieties, it contains carbohydrates, micronutrients, fiber, and minerals. These food ingredients help protect against cardiovascular disease and cancer thanks to their antioxidants.
In mountainous areas of kars or kapur areas, tiwul rice is quite popular in Indonesia, such as in Gunung Kidul, Wonogiri, and Pacitan. Tiwul is processed from a gapplek, a cassava that has been peeled and then dried. After being dried, it is dredged into flour and ready to be soiled with a little water until it forms irony like rice.
Launching an article published on the website of the Indonesian Ministry of Finance, tiwul as a substitute for rice containing carbohydrates, iron, phosphorus, and vitamin B complex. There are many complements to dishes that accompany tiwul rice, including spicy lodeh vegetables with green chilies, salted fish, vegetable urap, and onions chilies of course.
Talas contains carbohydrates, which means it is suitable as a substitute for rice. Talas or taro is widely cultivated in a tropical area. Plants with the illumination name Colosia sp are consumed by 10 percent of the world's population as food, citing Andalas University research. Talas also has a lower glycemic index than rice and potatoes.
Uwi is a local food plant that can be used as food diversification material. Launching Buletin Palawija, Center for Library and Agricultural Literacy, Ministry of Agriculture, uwi is made into flour that is antioxidant in nature and processed into noodles or bihun. Also processed in modern dishes, such as flakes, bread, cakes, and clothes.
Various studies have also established the benefits of uwi. These include reducing the risk of breast cancer and cardiovascular disease. It can also be used for therapeutic drugs for people with osteoporosis and maintaining gut health.
Replace rice rice with familiar corn rice in Indonesia. Launching the Ners bulletin, the Faculty of Nursing, Airlangga University, in 100 grams corn seeds contain 86 calories and various vitamins. Including vitamin B which meets 10-19 percent of daily and folate needs. Fiber in corn, also helps lower cholesterol and overcome the difficulty of large water fruit.
Based on the latest data on Food Security Materials, Indonesia has 77 types of food crops from carbohydrate sources. The diversity of this food source shows many variations in food ingredients to replace rice. Sorghum is one of them. Plants, which belong to the gramine, produce almost round serceria flowers that can be processed as a substitute for rice rice. In sorghum, it contains carbohydrates, fats, calcium, iron, and phosphorus.
The above is a list of replacements for rice rice that can be used as an alternative dish on your dining table. You can consume according to the affordability of food products around the house. Can you also buy it at the nearest food store. Interested in processing dishes at home variedly? Note the above references, yes.