Supported By Rokan Pipes, Pertagas Oil Transportation Volume Soared 404.91 Percent

JAKARTA - PT Pertamina Gas (Pertagas) recorded an increase in operational performance throughout 2023. Two major Pertagas business segments, gas and oil transportation, which contributed about 54 percent to the company's financial performance, recorded a significant increase.

Pertagas Corporate Secretary Muhammad Baron said the Pertagas oil transportation business segment recorded an increase of 404.91 percent to 56,858 MBOE compared to the realization in 2022 of 14,042 MBOE.

"The increase in the performance of the oil transportation business is driven by the operation of the Rokan Oil Pipe," Baron said in a statement to the media, Thursday, February 22.

Baron explained that the Rokan Oil pipeline, which was built and managed by Pertagas, began the first distribution of Pertamina Hulu Rokan oil in February 2022 and was fully operational at the end of December 2022.

In addition to oil transportation, he said, Pertagas also recorded an increase in gas transportation performance throughout 2023 to 526,461 MMSCF or 108.37 percent compared to the realization in 2022 of 485,808 MMSCF.

Baron said the increase in the performance of gas transportation operations was supported by an increase in gas flow volume by the shipper, operational optimization and increased regasification volume.

"In 2023, the volume of regasification was recorded to have increased to 57,685 BBTU or 109.75 percent compared to the 2022 achievement of 52,559 BBTU," said Baron.

LNG regasification business activities are run by Pertagas' subsidiary, namely PT Perta Arun Gas through the operation of the LNG Receipt and Regasification Terminal in Arun Lhokseumawe Aceh.

For other business segments, gas trading through its subsidiary, PT Pertagas Niaga posted gas trading volume of 28,402 BBTU throughout 2023 compared to the previous year 29,217 BBTU.

Meanwhile, gas processing in 2023 Pertagas was recorded at 162,804 tons compared to 2022 in the amount and 177,049 tons. Gas processing activities in terms of reducing Liquefied Petroleum Gas (LPG) products were carried out in several refinery facilities owned by its subsidiaries, PT Perta Samtan Gas and third parties in collaboration with Pertamina Gas and its subsidiaries.

After 2023, the performance of the oil transportation business segment has increased significantly as the Rokan Oil Pipes are fully operating, so this year the projected transportation business segment has increased significantly.

Baron said that by 2024 Pertagas targets the performance of gas transportation business operations, regasification LNG and gas trading to increase significantly.

"We project that the Seinpah-Balikpapan Gas Pipe will begin to contribute to the performance of operations and finance this year," said Baron.

The Balikpapan Seinpah Gas Pipeline Project has now been completed 100 percent and has been commissioning for flow to the Pertamina Balikpapan Refinery on December 28, 2023.

The interconnection of the Seintah Gas Pipe Balikpapan for approximately 78 km was built to support the increase in the processing capacity and production of the Pertamina Balikpapan Refinery with gas sources coming from KKKS in the Seinpah area, Kutai Kartanegara, East Kalimantan.

"We are optimistic that Pertagas' operating performance this year exceeds the 2024 RKAP target," he said.