South Japek II Toll Road Package 3 Targeted To Complete Construction This Year

JAKARTA - The Toll Road Regulatory Agency (BPJT) of the Ministry of PUPR said that the South Jakarta-Cikampek (Japek) II Toll Road Package 3 Sukabungah-Kutanegara-Sedang is targeted for completion of construction in 2024.

"Pada Paket 3 menghubung Sukabung-Kutanegara (22,75 km) dengan progres 81 persen dan Kutanegara-Sedang (8,50 km) dengan progres 95,5 persen, ditargetkan kedua ruas pada Paket 3 ini akan selesai konstruksi pada tahun ini," ujar Kepala BPJT Miftachul Munir dikutip dari laman resmi BPJT, Rabu, 21 Februari.

He said, for Package 1 which connects Jatiasih-Setu along 9.30 km, the construction is targeted to be completed after 2024.

Then, Package 2A Setu-Sukaragam (10.50 km) with a progress of 5.7 percent is targeted for completion of construction after 2024.

"Furthermore, the 2B Package that connects Sukaragam-Sukabung (13 km) is currently with a progress of 7.9 percent, which is also targeted for completion of construction after 2024," he said.

The 64.05 km South Jakarta-Cikampek (Japek) II Toll Road has an important role in connecting areas in West Java.

Currently, the South Japek II Toll Road is in the construction stage which will later operate to connect the Jakarta Outer Ring Road in Jati Asih, Bekasi, with the Purbaleunyi Toll Road in Sadang, Purwakarta.

The South Japek II Toll Road also has the potential to attract other investment interests in West Java which can increase the economic growth of the community and develop industrial and tourism areas, as well as open up many jobs.

Overall, the Jakarta-Cikampek II South Toll Road which can cut the travel time from Jakarta to Purwakarta will have seven (7) toll gates (GT), namely GT Jati Asih, GT Bantar Gebang, GT Setu, GT Sukaragam, GT Taman Mekar, GT Kutanegara and GT Sadang.