PLN Shares Free Electric Car And SPKLU Replica At IIMS 2024
PLN distributes electric cars and Public Electric Vehicle Charging Stations (SPKLU) for free to visitors to the Indonesia International Motor Show (IIMS) 2024. Cars and SPKLUs in the form of replicas can be obtained at the PLN booth located in the Hall C area, JIExpo Kemayoran.
Visitors to IIMS can obtain paper crafts that are assembled themselves into electric cars and SPKLU PLN. Paper craft is the work of Ichinogami MSMEs, the construction of the PLN Main Distribution Unit of Greater Jakarta. While assembling an electric car or SPKLU, visitors to IIMS booth PLN can get information on existing electricity and promos.
Lasiran, General Manager of PLN Main Distribution Unit Jakarta Raya said there was an additional promo for special electric power for PLN customers who visited IIMS, namely adding power at low prices or new pairs of discounts specifically for electric vehicle owners.
"Please come to the PLN booth at IIMS, get an electric car or SPKLU for free at the PLN booth, and of course there are many promos," explained Lasiran.
Ichinogami's paper craft workshop will also be held at IIMS on February 24, 2024. Visitors to IIMS can bring their families to visit.
"This WORKshop paper craft is very much in demand by children, so later they will return from IIMS to be able to bring electric cars or SPKLU, their parents can also get discounts on adding electric power," said Lasiran.
Apart from Ichinogami, PLN Jakarta Raya's Main Distribution Unit also has 550 fostered MSMEs from various sectors, namely fashion, food and beverages, crafts, and others. PLN is committed to jointly developing the people's economy through MSMEs. The assistance provided includes training, assistance in the development of advanced products, as well as promotional facilities.