Bogor Health Office Handles 1,497 Election Officers Who Fall Sick Due To Fatigue

BOGOR - The Health Office (Dinkes) of Bogor Regency, West Java, handled 1,497 election officials who fell ill due to fatigue when or finished serving at polling stations (TPS).

"From the latest data, we have collected 1,497 people in pain and 1,442 people in recovery, 19 people in hospital," said Head of Health Services at the Bogor District Health Office, Dyon Rivardin, as reported by ANTARA, Monday, February 19.

He said 1,497 election officials who fell ill based on Online Health Facilities Data (DFO) were dominated by the Voting Organizing Group (KPPS).

Thousands of election officers were diagnosed with various diseases. Most of them are blood pressure (hypertension), bloating stomach (dypepsia), respiratory tract (common cold), and inflammation on the stomach wall (gastritis).

"For the main cause of fatigue, because it can affect the endurance of officers, especially those who have risk factors," he said.

Dyon said that until now the Bogor District Health Office has continued to update the number of officers who are sick or treated.

In addition to handling sick officers, he continued, the Bogor District Health Office has also carried out preventive efforts before the election stages begin.

Dyon appealed to oemilu officers to take the time to rest on the sidelines of counting votes.

"In addition, it is necessary to reduce the type of eating and drinking that can affect health, especially risk factors," said Dyon.

The Bogor District Health Office is still making coordination and communication efforts with health workers to carry out monitoring in their respective areas.

"Yes, we update it every day two to three times, and it is possible that there will be an increase in the number," said Dyon.

From the data collected, apart from falling ill, there are also seven election officers in Bogor Regency who live in the world.