Counting The Latest KPU, Former North Sumatra Deputy Governor Musa Rajekshah Gets 27,759 Votes
MEDAN - Former Deputy Governor (Deputy Governor) of North Sumatra (North Sumatra) Musa Rajekshah temporarily received 27,681 votes based on the calculation of the legislative votes of the DPR RI 2024 real count KPU.
Based on data uploaded by the KPU on its official website, as of Monday afternoon (19/2) at 18.00 WIB, Musa Rajekshah was under Sofyan TAN from PDI-P who received 34,053.
The chairman of the Golkar DPD is running as a legislative candidate for the North Sumatra I electoral district along with incumbent Meutya Hafid who received 26,593 votes.
Apart from Meutya Hafid, Musa Rajekshaj must also compete with incumbents from other parties such as Father Syafii from the Gerindra Party, Sofyan TAN, PDI-P, Prananda Surya Paloh from the National Democratic Party (Nasdem), Tifatul SembiringPKS and Mulfahri Harahap PAN.
Musa Rajekshah was the Deputy Governor of North Sumatra in the 2018-2023 period, which at that time was paired with Edy Rahmayadi.
After the vote, the party bearing the banyan tree temporarily outperformed the legislative votes of the DPR RI 2024 with 405,746 or 23.95 percent.
PDI-P is in second place by obtaining 312,365 or 18.43 percent of the votes, followed by the Nasdem Party and the Gerindra Party with more than 11 percent each.
The Golkar Party received the most votes in Simalungun Regency, namely 42.665. Deli Serdang 31,303, Padang Lawas Utara 30,297, Labuhan Batu Utara, 30,046, Langkat 25,728, South Tapanuli 25,560.
In the province of the thousands of Medan cities, there are 45,875 polling stations spread across 33 districts and cities, 455 sub-districts, 5,417 villages and 693 sub-districts.
The North Sumatra General Election Commission has assigned 10,853,940 voters who are included in the final voter list (DPT) for the 2024 General Election, consisting of 5,360,844 men and 5,493,096 women.