DKI Provincial Government Asked To Empower Beggars Ahead Of Ramadan

JAKARTA - The age of people with social welfare problems (PMKS) such as beggars to homeless people ahead of Ramadan this year needs to be anticipated.

Deputy Chairman of Commission E of the DKI Jakarta DPRD, Elva Farhi Qolbina, asked the DKI Provincial Government, namely the Social Service, to create a breakthrough program to empower PMKS so as not to be neglected on the streets.

This PMKS phenomenon, according to him, must be faced with a sustainable attitude of empathy and solution and an inclusive approach.

"Jakarta as a city of hope for the Indonesian people, must show an example in treating vulnerable citizens, including PMKS," Elva told reporters, Monday, February 19.

Elva's PMKS empowerment program includes skills training, as well as social and economic empowerment for street children, homeless and beggars (gepeng), female Susila tuna (WTS), and male (warian) women.

It is hoped that PMKS can prepare to live independently or return to their social environment with their increasing abilities and beliefs.

"In addition, preventive approaches such as strengthening cooperation networks between related institutions, counseling, and socializing social protection programs are also needed," he said.

The program, he continued, could run optimally if it collaborated with other regional work units (SKPD) and the private sector as a forum for PMKS after receiving training.

"The government must cooperate with various parties, including non-governmental organizations, religious organizations, and the private sector, to provide comprehensive services and support for PMKS," Elva explained.

Last year, the DKI Provincial Government through the DKI Jakarta Satpol PP netted thousands of PMKS or what is also called the need for social welfare services (PPKS) from the beginning of the year until the approaching Eid Al-Fitr 1444 Hijriah.

The PPKS who were caught were taken to the Social Service orphanage for assessment and then become inmates or sent back to their area of origin.