Mahfud Talks Elections Can Be Repeated, Alludes To Khofifah's Dispute In 2008

JAKARTA - Candidate for vice president number three, Mahfud MD said the General Election (Pemilu) process could be repeated if it was declared a fraud. The recurrence of the leadership election stage is based on the decision of the Constitutional Court (MK) trial. Mahfud's statement about the possibility of the election process being repeated began when discussing the assumption that the party who lost the election contestation always claimed fraud.

According to him, the potential for cheating to win occurs. Some were even proven legally and convincingly when he became a judge of the Constitutional Court.

"The Constitutional Court once decided to cancel the election results in the form of a re-election order or a full cancellation, so that the winner was declared disqualified and the loser went up. So, it could be that the re-election could be done," Mahfud told reporters, Saturday, February 17.

Mahfud then mentioned the dispute over the election of the Governor of East Java. At that time, Khofifah Indar Parawansa filed a lawsuit over Soekarwo-Saifullah Yusuf's victory.

"The results of the 2008 East Java Regional Election when Khofifah was declared defeated by Soekarwo. We cancel the results and repeat them," he said.

"The results of the South Bengkulu Regional Election which won the disqualification, which immediately rose below. Three, the results of the West Kotawaringin Regional Election are the same as South Bengkulu and many more cases where there are re-elections, separate areas, certain areas, certain villages and so on," continued Mahfud.

Then, Mahfud also mentioned the use of the terms structured, systematic, and massive violations. It is said that the diction began to be used when there was a decision on the election dispute for the Governor of East Java in 2008.

"After becoming the basis, other sentences will then be officially entered into our election law. So this has become a jurisprudence and has also become a rule in law, in KPU regulations, there are Bawaslu regulations. Structured, systematic and massive violations," he said.

"So this is not only jurisprudence once again, but also included in the laws and regulations. And the proof that many elections were canceled, disqualified," continued Mahfud.