Legitimate! Danny Pomanto Leads Makassar
MAKASSAR - Governor of South Sulawesi Nurdin Abdullah inaugurated 11 regional heads from the 2020 simultaneous regional elections in South Sulawesi. M Ramdhan Pomanto (Danny Pomanto) and Fatmawati Rusdi were also appointed as mayors and deputy mayors of Makassar.
The inauguration of regional heads, namely regents and mayors, was held at Baruga Karaeng Pattingalloang, the Office of the Governor of South Sulawesi, Friday, February 26. Inauguration of regional heads for the period 2021-2024.
The reading of the Decree of the Minister of Home Affairs was read by theHead of the Government Bureau and Otda of South Sulawesi. Those who are inaugurated based on the Minister of Home Affairs Decree Number 131.73-356 of 2021, namely:
1. Adnan Purichta Ichsan - Abdul Rauf Mallagani (Gowa)
2. Mohammad Ramdhan Pomanto-Fatmawati Rusdi (Makassar)
3. Chaidir Syam-Suhartina Bohari (Maros)
4. Muhammad Yusran Lalogau-Syahban Sammana (Pangkep) 5. Suardi Saleh-Aska Mappe (Barru)
6. Andi Kaswadi Razak-Lutfi Halide (Soppeng)
7. Basli Ali-Syaiful Arif (Selayar Islands)
8. Andi Muchtar Ali Yusuf-Andi Edy Manaf (Bulukumba) 9. Theofilus Allorerung-Zadrak Tombeg (Tana Toraja)
10. Andi Indah Putri Indriani-Suaib Mansyur (North Luwu)
11. Budiman Hakim (East Luwu).
"Today is Friday, 26 February 2021. I am the Governor of South Sulawesi Province on behalf of the President of the Republic of Indonesia, hereby officially inaugurate it", said Nurdin Abdullah starting the inauguration.
Nurdin Abdullah who inaugurated on behalf of the President of the Republic of Indonesia Jokowi expressed his hope that regional leaders can carry out their duties as well as possible.
"I believe that ladies and gents can carry out their duties properly by the responsibilities given", he said.
In this inauguration, there was a change in the event moved from a dress rehearsal. Became with the arrangement of signing the minutes and oaths as well as the facts of integrity then continued with the installation of rank and position signs.
The process is, one by one the regional heads then their deputies move to the front from their respective positions that have been determined by each. The inauguration started with the regional heads of Makassar, Barru, Soppeng, North Luwu, Gowa, Selayar Islands, Bulukumba, Pangkajene Islands, Maros, Tana Toraja then East Luwu.
Meanwhile, the inauguration of the Regent and Deputy Regent of North Toraja will be held separately on March 31st. This is adjusted to the term of office of the regent.
This procession is also directly monitored by the Ministry of Home Affairs to ensure that the event is carried out following strict health protocols in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic. So that it is only attended by the regional head and his deputy as well as the head of the district/city TP-PKK (Family Empowerment and Welfare Mobilization Team).