PBNU Presents A Victory Guard Movement To Maintain Peace After The 2024 Election

JAKARTA - The Nahdlatul Ulama (PBNU) Executive Board presents the Movement to Guard Indonesia's Victory to perfect a conducive or peaceful atmosphere after the 2024 election vote.

"We are also trying to initiate a kind of movement that we have started yesterday or at night. We are doing what is called the Movement to Guard Indonesia's Victory," said PBNU Chairman KH Yahya Cholil Staquf or familiarly called Gus Yahya at a press conference at the PBNU building as reported by ANTARA, Friday, February 16.

He explained that the movement was in the form of activities consisting of joint prayers and dialogues that were attended by various parties, ranging from community leaders, artists, students, supporters of the 2024 election contestants, and the general public.

So far, he said the movement, which was presented in collaboration with the Archipelago Cultural Daulat Movement, had been carried out in 14 regions starting February 14 evening.

Separately to reporters, the initiator of the Nusantara Cultural Daulat Movement, Teguh Haryono, conveyed the 14 regions, including DI Yogyakarta, Gresik, Pasuruan, Banyuwangi (East Java), Wonogiri and Kebumen (Central Java), Ogan Komering Ulu (South Sumatra), Makassar (South Sulawesi), Manado (North Sulawesi), Tasikmalaya and Majalengka (West Java), and West Kalimantan.

The movement, he said, would continue to be held until it reached 99 location points.

On the same occasion, the Chairperson of the Indonesian Muslim Cultural Artists Institute (Lesbumi) NU Jadul Maulaoptimistics movement which was packaged into a cultural movement was able to make all Indonesian people aware that the election results were the nation's victory and could build various advances in the country in a peaceful atmosphere.

"Indonesian culture was the knowledge of our ancestors first in reconciling, how to generate progress in an atmosphere of solidarity, peace, harmony, and dignity," he said.